Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Hose water, Skinned Knees and Sunshine

My lack of blogging lately is totally because of all of the time spent outside. Stella and I are outside all day long except for nap time. During that precious nap time I am busy getting dinner prepped, laundry done, walking my 30 min on the treadmill (if that energy is there that day), and getting other random things done around the house- guess blogging is not one of them ;)

Our days recently have consisted of soaking up the sun, endless play in the water table, blowing and trying to catch bubbles, drinking out of the hose (we can thank Rick for that one ;) ), the first of many many skinned knees, walking barefoot, infinity rides on the swing, and eating lots of popsicles and strawberry banana smoothies. Being outside all day really poops Stella out; and me for that matter. Come early evening, around after dinner time I begin to hit a wall. We eat dinner around 5:30-6ish, then Rick plays with Stella while I clean up and prepare his lunch for work the next day. Once that is done and the kitchen is cleaned and the lights are turned down low- I am spent. No more energy is left- time to wind down for the night. However, some of my favorite times are still left before my little babe goes in for the night. I am in awe at how she snuggles in next to me on the couch and gently rests her hand on my belly. I know her deep understanding of the fact that there is a little baby in my belly at the moment isn't quite there,  but it still melts my heart when we ask her where the baby is and she points to my belly and says "baba". Sappy me lives for moments like this. 

For that skinned knee- Rick and I were laughing later that night at what a drama queen we had on our hands. When she fell in the drive way, she whined a bit then got up and went back to what she was doing. Not a care in the world that her knee was scraped; as a matter if fact she didn't even know it was there. Not until later that night did she actually see her knee. That's when all of the drama kicked in. ALL night she pointed to her knee and cried "booboo". Like legit tears. I can't even count how many times Rick and I kissed that knee. 

At times I still think it is surreal that we will be adding another tiny bundle to our tribe. We are truly blessed. When I think about his arrival, I also think about all the other things that I would love to cross off my wish to do list before we meet him. A couple being I would love to have Stella potty trained, and transitioned into her toddler bed. I will just keep calling it my wish to do list! 

Off to the playroom since it is raining out. :) 

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