Monday, May 11, 2015

Weekend Happenings

I have been a bit of a dud since trying to battle this nasty ass cold. one of the worst things ever: trying to sleep and not being able to breath!! I have been praying that Stella doesn't get any of it but being home all day with her makes it a bit hard to keep my germs away. Lots of hand washing and anti bacterial over here :) I had a slight feeling something was brewing in her yesterday because of sneezing, a little runny nose, her mood, tiredness and clingy-ness. But, as of this morning all looks good...phew!

Anyway, Saturday the weather was crappy out all morning which I was kind of thankful for. Being outside on the nice days my household chores are slacking! Naptime just isn't cutting it. So Saturday morning I got my ass up and off the couch put the yucky cold symptoms aside for a bit and disinfected the two downstairs bathrooms. Mirrors, sinks, floors, toilets, you name it- germ free! That felt like a huge check off my to do list! The weather had cleared up just in time. When Rick got home from work we actually all got cleaned up and headed into town for a walk, some live music and a bite to eat.

27 week baby bump.

Sunday was spent at home with my lovies. Everyday is Mother's Day over here :) We enjoyed a bagel breakfast together with some fresh cut up fruit, Rick worked on the front porch a bit and I applied more than a fair share of sunscreen to Stella and outside we went. 

Our back deck that once consisted of tiki torches, margaritas, loud music and some sort of drinking game now looks like damn how things change ;)

Stella is such a water rat. Anything water related...and she is in her glory.

I live for this motherhood thing. I am so blessed that this little girl has made me a Momma. Any Momma can vow that being a mother is hard work, but it is the best damn work in the world. The love you get from them is like no other. I love her so much it hurts. 

On a nursery note the room is officially painted and we are waiting for a call for the carpet install. I found the perfect crib sheet on etsy along with a crib mate that I hope he will love forever. I am getting excited to see all of these little fun treasures put together in his room.

Happy Monday!

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