Wednesday, September 3, 2014

It's really happening..she is turning 1.

This week has been another busy one so far. Today was a dreaded trip to the DMV so Stella Momma could get her license renewed. Yes! I am a legal driver again. ;) After walking in and seeing it was dead, not a single person in line I gathered the application to quickly fill out. By the time I was done filling out the slip, there was about 10 damn people in line. Go figure. Good thing snacks were packed ;) Stella was a gem.

Chillin' in the DMV...

We then took a trip to Michaels Crafts to pick up a few items for another DIY I am doing for her party. I just fell in fall love walking in to all the fall decor and fall scents. We tried on about 20 different Halloween hats and headbands. if only she would keep one on, I would have bought one of each. 



We threw a couple canvas boards into our shopping cart for a finger painting session when we got home! Along with some sidewalk chalk and Minnie stickers!




On another note, I am not sure if there is a more appropriate onsie quote than this one...


As I plan her party and sit to work on these mini projects I am doing, it feels so surreal that all of this doing is because Stella is turning 1. 12 damn months have gone by already. 1 effing year. Denial. Pure denial. Where does time go? I love the age she is at right now because the interaction between her and I is just incredible- so funny at times. But where have the days gone where she fit in my one arm? The days when she would fall asleep on my chest while listening to my heart beating? They feel like so long ago...

Yes. My little girl is turning 1. A solid 1.

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