Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Our Fall Bucket List



We managed to cross off many of our Summer bucket list items this Summer, and had fun doing them. But it's now time for a Fall bucket list- my favorite!! So here is a list of things that I hope we do this fall...

Apple picking at the apple orchard-of course testing a few out while picking
Bake apple pie and apple crisp
Roast s'mores
Go pumpkin picking and take a ride on the hayride while we are there
Carve pumpkins
Roast pumpkin seeds
Morning walks
Wear fall-ish hair barretts
Choose a Halloween costume
Go trick or treating 
Make pumpkin pie with homemade whip
Make hot apple cider
Jump in a pile of leaves-after daddy rakes them :)
After dinner walks down the path
Watch football
Make and eat caramel apples
Eat Thanksgiving dinner
Make homemade popcorn balls
Light fall scented candles
Wear fall coats
Collect different color leaves
Fall projects
Work on the baby nursery!!
Decorate the front porch for fall
Celebrate Stella's first birthday of course!!!!
Make hot chocolate with marshmallows
Roast acorn squash

Happy Fall!!

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