Friday, September 5, 2014

Ditching the inchworm?

Game on Momma!  I was washing Stella and I's breakfast dishes this morning while Stella was just sitting in the living room for a brief moment watching Mickey and playing with her toys. I turned around and who do I see in the playroom? Yep! Stella. Last night Stella chose to ditch the inch worm for a bit and crawl! Like a legit crawl.
I love the time that we get to spend trekin' around in her room. It's usually after bath time; after drying off, getting lubed up with baby lotion and nothing on but a diaper. She smells so yummy. Wish I can bottle her baby scent up and save it forever. can they make it in a candle.. ;)


Did I mention that we were having a crazy hair party night?!

Along with the crawl, she took eight steps on her own last night! I feel like she is going to be walking in no time. I see baby gates in my near immediate future!

Rick and I ordered her teepee! I am so excited for it to come! It will probably arrive just in time for her birthday. The bookshelf has had so many new additions in the past month- we will now have a new spot to read them. Rick just may find me in the teepee during my me time ;)

Cheers to a happy Friday! wishing I could really cheers to a happy Friday with a Stella Cidre right now.

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