Monday, September 8, 2014

How about a little weekend recap?

Saturday was absolutely miserable. The humidity was at an all time high, so no outdoor activities for us. After a day of dryer shopping on Saturday and eating out for lunch that was enough for one day. I forgot that buying an appliance takes talking to the sales guy- choosing one- setting up delivery- discussing warranties- checking out! And with a baby in the shopping cart nontheless! Momma really pulled out the ridiculous acts just to keep Stella amused. I think Saturday was the last day that I will be squeezing into my favorite color Loft shorts. see you next summer!  I couldn't wait to get those bad boys off. The rest of the day was spent in cozy clothes, taking turns playing in the living room and playroom.Stella was in bed and sleeping by 7:15! I guess dryer shopping really pooped her out too! Ha! Rick and I actually got to watch an entire movie and stayed up for the entire movie! Shocker!

Stella has been on her 6 a.m wake up calls again. Ugh! But Sunday was a different story. She slept until 7:30. It felt like pure heaven! I hadn't had a good night sleep like Saturday's in a long time. That extra hour made all the difference. Sunday- simply perfect outside. So perfect that after breakfast we headed out for a morning walk-all three of us :) We followed up our morning walk with a little sidewalk chalk. Of course all she wanted to do was munch down on it.



 It was a low key Sunday with a walk to the market for some groceries and then hung at home with the football games on the TV. 




Later in the day Grandma and Grandpa came over for dinner and to install the new garage door opener. Yep, that doohickey also took a shit! When it rains- it pours...right? :)

Anyway- this little girl is now on a mission every wakeful second of the day! No more 'i'll be right back in 5 seconds- stay right here!'  from this Momma. There is a baby on my tail all day long! This girl is crawling all over the joint! I thought I was tired before? Ha- games on me! She sure keeps me on my toes now...

Having a new dryer delivered today! Never been more excited to dry a load of laundry in a timely fashion! (I was getting pretty close to drying Rick's panties outside on the line! haha!) Just kidding ;) We don't have one of those....

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