Wednesday, June 29, 2016

I Learn From Them.

I think that it is finally time that I dust off my lap top to blog. It's been a nice break and let's be real...Summer with two little babes equals busy! And another truth? I am flat out whooped after they both go to bed. But I look at my two babes these days....Stella is rounding the 3 corner and Ricky is rounding the 'big' one corner. Neither are slowing down and it's pulling all kids of heart strings. These two have taught me sooo much and have made me feel thankful for sooo much -including hot meals and hot showers and bathroom breaks alone- just sayin'. :) 

I have learned a love from them like no other. Something I thank them for every single day. Something I probably wouldn't even of known existed if they weren't here. Every time they discover, say or just do something new I find myself falling in love with them even more. A mommy's heart just grows and grows and grows...

I have learned that I am no perfect Mommy; but I do the best damn job I can. Every day is a fresh start with new opportunities to learn and grow. I make mistakes, I am human and that is okay. As long as I learn from them, I feel like it will make me a better me. 

I have learned to notice the little things. 

I have learned that I need wine caffeine to get through the day. I love coffee and it loves me back.

I have learned that I can be a good doctor. I have become pretty damn good at putting on band aids if I do say so myself.

I have learned that my husband can be easily manipulated by that cute puppy dog face. 

I have learned that I prefer snuggling on the couch sharing blankies with my littles rather then hittin' up the clubs. Do people even say that anymore ;)

I spend everyday, all day with my loves, and I wouldn't change it for the world. However, I have learned to appreciate 'me' time. Even if it just a quick run to the market to grab a missing ingredient for dinner. 
Rick: Do you just want me to pick it up on my way home?
Me: cutting him off half way through his question. No it's okay, I'll run! what I am really saying is "get the eff home so I can have ten minutes of sanity and a quick jam out session in truck!" 

I have learned that I shall always carry food in my diaper bag! Food cures alot all!

I have learned that baby wipes work like magic! 

I have learned that I can never give too many hugs, kisses, and tickles. And I can never tell them that I love them too many times. 

I have learned that kids will bring you to your knees. In cleaning up messes you never dreamed were possible. In fishing out toys stuck under the oven and sofa. 

I have learned to never google medical questions on the internet before calling the doctor. Truth: I have clearly learned that I SHOULD not do it, but I do do it. And I always want to give myself a good kick in the ass after I do it. 

I have learned that my floors will be dirtier then I ever imagined they could be. 

I have learned that it is possible to love someone else more than you love yourself. 

I have learned that there is no where and nothing else that could make me happier then being a Mommy to my kids.  

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