Thursday, July 14, 2016

Ricky is Eleven Months

Dear Ricky,
Okay, so I am a little late on your eleven month update.  I am going to blame it on the denial that has set in that you are turning one in less than a month. This has been the fastest year yet and the best year yet.  Ricky you just light up our lives in every way possible. You are on the go and there is no stopping you. Your personality is shining like no other- you are a happy, giggly, full of energy silly little boy. You for sure have your moments and know what you want. You have learned so many new things this past month; I am still amazed by every single one. You love to play in the bottom storage draw of the stove and in my spatula draw as well. You are so ticklish and love to play in water.  Your smile when you first see Stella in the morning is ear to ear and you almost never leave the dinner table without food in your hair. One of your favorite things is when you, me and Stella all brush our teeth together. You are still my all time Momma's boy and I wouldn't have it any other way. I am so excited to see you become a big brother to the new baby in December. "Please slow down July...I want just a little bit more time before my baby becomes a toddler." Ricky you are so damn cute- I can just eat you up. I love you so so much. 
All my Love,

always doing 'so big'!!

Weight: home scale says 23.4 lbs :)
Height:  we will find out at your one year appointment.
Appetite:  You love to eat and you know that it is meal time the minute you are put into your height chair. The sounds that come out of you while waiting for your food make us laugh every single time. You are our fruit, veggie and carb lover. You have loved anything put in front of you except egg salad! Some of your favorites are whole grain pancakes, bananas, strawberries. blueberries, poached eggs, broccoli, avocado, corn on the cob, salmon, baked potato, whole fruit popsicles...okay I feel like this list can go on and on. You are on all cows milk now and all 3 meals are served with milk. The transition from breastmilk to cows milk couldn't of went any better. 

Clothing Size: You are currently wearing 12-18 month and 18-24 month clothing and you are in size 4 diapers. 
Milestones: You are on the move and there is NO stopping you. You crawl so damn fast! And you are pulling yourself up on everything and anything- chairs, the coffee table, the window sills, the staircase gate, your crib- ev.ery.thing! When you pull yourself up you yell in excitement and show us just how proud of yourself and then you begin to shake your butt up and down (yep! you totally twerk!) You are walking along the coffee table to reach things- mostly Stella's things that she doesn't want you to have and forgets that you can reach them now. You wave bye-bye, clap- especially after you put a piece of food in your mouth, do 'so big', sway back and forth when you hears music, say "ahhh choo!" and pretends to sneeze, and looove to unravel the rolls of toilet paper! Note to all househeld occupants: ALL BATHROOM DOORS MUST STAY SHUT AT ALL TIMES!

Thoughts/Other: You are a belly sleeper...just like Stella was :)

Our routine: Rise and Shine at 7ish. You and Stella enjoy your morning cup of milk together and play. We eat breakfast around 8ish and play until you go down for your morning nap. Morning nap is about 9:30/10 to 11ish. Your naps usually last around and hour and a half. When you wake up is when we usually head out if we have errands or plans for the day. Lunch is around noon. We play the day away until your afternoon nap which usually falls between 1:30 and 2 for another hour and a half. Dinner is around 5:30 and then follow baths and jammies. We put you down for the night around 7:00 p.m and you snuggle up and fall right to sleep. You have really become the best sleeper! 7:00p.m to 7:00 a.m. baby!--my rockstar!! 

Your favorites: Some of your favorites at the moments are:
1. Food. :) 
2. pulling himself up
3. loud music- gets a kick out of Stella and I's kitchen dance parties. He looves when I dance while holding him.
4.  your crib
5. crawling and being able to get around all on your own.
6. taking a bath
7. Your will not sleep without them.
8. being naked and when I tickle your chubby butt :)

love you little guy...xoxo

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