Friday, June 10, 2016

A Stella Snapshot

I am still doing monthly updates of the little guy and have been trying to put together a few ideas for his first birthday party. But it has dawned on me that I will have Stella's THIRD birthday party to plan eight short weeks later! I seriously can't believe my first baby- the baby that made me a mommy- is going to be three years old! She is so grown up to me these days, much more so since Ricky has come into our lives. I look at her and just wonder to myself how she has gotten so big, learned so much, and has become this incredible little girl. I like to think it's all because of Rick and I...haha :) Anyway, she is only a few months away from being three and I thought I would write a little snapshot about her and the little girl that she is these days. 

Stella is so sweet, silly, sensitive, smart and so independent these days. She wants to do everything all by herself. From getting herself dressed, walking up and down the stairs to creating her own ice cream sundae. She is so funny and is forever making Rick, Ricky and I laugh. She loves music- jamming out to loud music especially (What Do You Mean, Work From Home, Shake it Off, No and It's All About the Bass are her top favs), dancing and if she hears her song come on in the truck she asks me to turn it loud! just like her Mommy! Dance school is in the near future! She loves to help me bake and cook in the kitchen, is obsessed with parks and slides, and will do about a thousand egg hunts a day in her Elsa dress. She still loves tacos and spaghetti, dance parties in the kitchen, her favorite ice cream flavor is mint chocolate chip- in a cone, and loves to wear dresses. She loves digging in the dirt but hates bugs...go figure. Stella has been fully potty trained for awhile now(except for nights)- no more pull ups over the undies during truck rides or trips out of the house. proud mommy moment. 

She is my little helper and is always helping me with Ricky. She uses please and thank you all the time which describes her personality pretty well. She loves to put on make up at my vanity, have her nails and piggies painted and does a quick glance at herself in the mirror. :)

One of my favorite things about her age is how she expresses her love without any prompting once so ever. I mean the 'I love you so much' and 'Mommy are the sweetest girl in town' or the 'Mommy you look booiful.' All full out heart 'melters' right there.

She will always be my first. My lil' bestie. Stella, I can make you this promise: No matter how big you get, you will always always know how much you are loved and how special you are to Daddy and I. 

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