Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Father's Day Weekend

It was a great Father's Day weekend. We kicked it off with a Mommy Daddy date night on Friday night for dinner. Kid free may I add ;) It was nice to get out for a bit and enjoy a hot hot dinner with Rick and my mocktail of course..ha! 

It was a hot weekend and we spent most of it outside in the kids pools, eating ice pops and watermelon, listening to some good tunes, and grilling with family...

The babies went to sleep Saturday night smelling of campfire and sticky smore's faces. oh Summer nights. 

Rick and I decided to take the kids to the zoo on Sunday. We left late morning and spent the afternoon walking around checking out the animals eating cool snacks to keep our minds off the blistering heat! Thinking both kiddies would have been in bed nice and early that night...joke was on us! If I remember correctly looking at the clock- reading 7:00 p.m, Stella was still running around being sprayed by the hose in her undies- having the time of her life! 

 oh you two have no idea how lucky you are to have this guy as your Daddy and how much he adores you two. You both have him wrapped around your little fingers! 

Father's Day 2016.

Ohh!! and how can I forget to add.....our little guy is officially crawling!! And his first destination?? The dog water bowls!! 

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