Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Exciting News

Another year, another baby :) 
Rick and I are beyond excited to add another little addition to our bunch this coming December. If things aren't chaotic enough around here sometimes, right?! A good chaotic of course :) The days surrounding the day we found out our news were full of signs from our little angel above. Those signs warmed my heart and told me that she will look over this little one just as she did with Ricky. 
As far as wanting a boy or girl this time around? No preference once so ever. A healthy baby is all that matters...and the fact that we have both boy and girl things will make it pretty easy. And let me remind you...this is the fourth Summer that I am joining the non-boozing train! Next Summer I will be hittin' the margarita's hard! :)

Ricky's expression in this outtake kind of reminds me of Rick's expression when I told him that we were going to be outnumbered!

 Damn I love these little ones...

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