Monday, June 6, 2016

Double Digits

Dear Ricky,
I seriously can't believe that you are ten months old already. It sounds so cliche' but I really wish I could keep you this size for a bit longer. Your smile is my favorite. And so are the dimples on your hands and endless amount of chub on your legs. We all tell you all.the.time but you are the definition of a Momma's boy. You want to be held all the time and I know at times I tell you that Mommy can't hold you every single time you want to be held, but I can guarantee that I will be eating my words one day. Because there will be a day when you won't want to be held in my arms. You are one handsome little guy and your eyes are killer. A beautiful blue. You show endless love for your sister and I hope you guys grow up best friends. You are killing it with sleep- soothing yourself to sleep and sleeping through the night with the occasional wake up just looking for your blankie and soothie. You are a belly sleeper now which made me nervous in the beginning but to see you so cozy.... :)You have silly ways of communicating with us and we love you to pieces. All of your crankiness, loud screams and whines and impatience- we wouldn't change a thing. Ricky you are a special little boy- and I can eat you up I love you so.  
All my Love,

Weight: if I had to guess I'd say somewhere around 22 lbs. 
Height: official measurements will be taken at his next doctor visit in two months. 
Head Circumference: still in the 100th percentile....lots of brain in there ;)
Appetite:  Yes! You definitely have one of these :) You LOVE food. To be completely honest, you are more into solids these days then nursing which I am kind of happy about, hoping it makes for easy weaning. You just seem to be more interested in whats happening around you while nursing. You still nurse or have expressed milk in a cup 4 times a day- first thing in the morning, 11:00 a.m, 3:00 p.m. and before bedtime! Four weeks until we begin the transition to cow's milk!! I am super excited and I have a feeling you are going to love it. You are eating 3 meals a day and a snack or two though out the day. Some of your favorite foods are sweet potato's, pasta, any fruit-especially watermelon, graham crackers, multi grain crackers, avocado, eggs, pancakes and whole wheat french toast. When we put you in your high chair, you immediately begin to make lots of noise and wave your hands in pure excitement. To say you get excited for mealtime is an understatement. If anyone else has food, you are reaching with all your might to get your sticky hands into it. Ricky- you love to eat :) 

Clothing Size: You are currently wearing 6-12, and 12-18 month clothing and you are in size 4 diapers. 
Milestones: You are on the move, but backwards! You don't stay in the sitting position for long. You fall right onto your belly and first get frustrated, and then begin to scoot backwards. If doesn't take you long to go from one corner of one room to another corner in the next room. You easily get up on all fours and rock. So if I had to guess you are not far from cruising forward. As far as teeth go, you cut two more on top. All together you have 6 teeth now! 

Thoughts/Other: I am ordering your first birthday party invitations today and it feels oh so bittersweet. 

Our routine: Lately you have been waking up pretty damn early- like 5:30 early. I usually feed you and put you back down to get an extra hour. You and Stella both wake for the day around 6:30- my little early risers. you guys like to rise with the chickens ;) We have breakfast around 7:30/8ish and have some playtime after we eat. Your morning nap is from 9:00 a.m to about 10:30. If we have errands or plans they are usually after your morning nap! Lunch is around noon and your afternoon nap is about 1:30 to 3ish. We have more playtime until dinner. Dinner is around 5:30. After dinner it's bathtime, nursing time and off to bed. Lately bed for you has been 6:45/7ish. NO late then 7:!5! Thank you to playing outside all day long- you both are in bed nice and early  :) 

Your favorites: Some of your favorites at the moments are:
1. Chicken Little
2. cruising in the crazy coupe
4.  Food. :) 
5. relaxing in the hammock
6. taking a bath
7. Your will not sleep without them.
8. being naked

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