Monday, May 30, 2016

Felt Like Summer

This weekend felt like Summer. Rick came home early from work on Friday so we kicked off our long weekend with a trip to our local ice cream place for an ice cream cone before dinner! breaking all the rules! It was a weekend full of family, friends, bbq, water, water and more water. Stella is a water baby through and through. I can foresee our Summer being full of pool, water table and hose fun and super early bedtimes all season long. This warm hot weather along with being outside all day long playing whoops their little butts. By the time dinner is over, I am lucky if I can squeeze in a quick bath. With full bellies, both kiddies are ready to crash. Some toddlers even fall asleep while eating dinner ;) Summer is all about putting the kiddies to bed smelling of left behind sunscreen and sticky faces. 

We took Stella and Ricky into town on Monday morning to watch the Memorial Day parade. Stella waved to all of the firemen in the trucks, and others walking in the parade. She waved her flag proud! But I think the candy that was tossed to her was by far her favorite part. Candy thrown at a toddler is like Christmas morning, I guess Easter morning would be more appropriate. 

Bring it on Summer! We are ready for you; hot ass temps and all. 

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