Friday, May 13, 2016

Friday Favorites

There are a number of things that we have been loving over here so I figured I would throw together a few favorites on this Friday the 13th?! 

After painting our kitchen and Rick putting up the subway tile back splash I wanted something special for our large back wall. I looked around a ot and wasn't going to settle because it's a wall that we look at all the time. I wanted something simple yet elegant. I found this shop on etsy called House of Belonging and I actually ended up having trouble choosing between a few of their pieces. After waiting patiently for it to arrive, it was finally delivered 6 weeks later! I am so in love with it and couldn't of been happier with my choice. The saying says it all. I will never be able to count the number of memories that our kitchen holds, but I am so happy that this sign is now a part of it :)

if you want to bring happiness to the whole world, go home and love your family. - Mother Teresa

Rick and I will be doing a little custom work to our kitchen table in the next couple weeks which will complete our new kitchen look- I'm super excited ;)

Our hammock is our jam! We all end up in it at some point. It is the Eagles Nest Outfitters hammock and it is so friggin comfortable. I could seriously sleep in it. If we have time after dinner to play outside, the kids and I lay in it for a bit and it really relaxes Ricky. Last night he actually began to fall asleep in it :) I never thought we had the proper trees in our yard to hang a hammock but with their adjustable slap straps, it works perfectly! I sometimes look out the back door and see Rick taking a  few minutes to swing in the hammock after caring for the chickens. It really is tempting- so it a tall frosty beverage while swinging in the hammock :)

I have mentioned before that Stella has two favorites dinners and they are tacos and spaghetti with sausage. Two super easy dinners to prepare. When I know I am going to prepare spaghetti the next day, I defrost my sausage at night so I can put my sauce on first thing in the morning. After putting my sauce on in the morning, dinner is pretty much done. All I need to do come dinner time is boil water and cook the pasta! I love easy dinners because dinner time always seems to be complete chaos around here and Ricky totally gets a case of hangry baby if we don't eat on time! Now that Ricky is eating what we are eating for meals, I have to choose wisely what I am making and what I am cooking with. Come to find out he shares Stella's love for spaghetti; but really what baby doesn't love pasta??? This video I can seriously watch over and over. 

Putting Stella to bed lately has been a favorite. and it's not because she is the last to put to bed which means all babies are asleep- okay maybe a little bit ;) I have been walking out of her room giggling every night, heading straight to Rick to share the things she said. I honestly have no clue where she learns these things! For example, I ask her for a kissy lip kiss each night before bed and she takes both hands, grabs my head, pulls me in and plants one on me. I then kiss her a thousand times including her cheeks. After kissing her cheek, she looks at me and goes, "Aww, your so sweeeeet!" I laugh and tell her that she is the sweetest girl! She then goes on to say, "Well I love you Momma, and your my Maaver (mother)!" 

Bean Boozled. So I am not going to say that this is a favorite game per say, but it is so hilarious! I ordered this after seeing it lots on the internet and TV and thought Rick and I would give it a go. Rick couldn't get past three jelly beans! The flavors legit taste like what they are called- barf? rotten eggs? spoiled milk? canned dog food?! All I can say is have a flavored drink, or some Listerine close by. :) hmm...this game just may help deter toddlers from loving candy ;) Oh you want a jelly bean?? hehe

Stella is still loving the chicks. I just can't get over how she calls them her girlies. "Come here girlie girlieeees!" And they are officially outside! Woohoo! That means, one, I get my laundry room back and two, I can finally get my treadmill out! Rick and Pop did finish the run in so the chickens have plenty of room to roam around during the day. Rick ran electric to the hen house so they have a heat lamp for the night time when the temps tend drop a bit. We lock them up in the hen house for the night around 8 p.m and Rick let's them out before leaving for work around 5 a.m. So far so good :)

Cheers to a great weekend! 

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