Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Happy 9 Months Ricky :)

Dear Ricky,
I just love you so much. You make me feel so lucky to have you as mine. I am cherishing these days that you are my baby and soaking in all the moments that you need me and depend one me. Because one day you are not going to need me like you do now. You are through and through a Momma's boy and I would be lieing if I said that I didn't love it. Your cheesy smile with your new pearly whites is soo contagious, it seriously lights up a room. I love when you nuzzle your head into my shoulder and your open mouth kisses are to die for :) I love how you open and close your hands along with wiggle your toes super fast when you are excited or want something. Not sure how or why it started but I always call you my little monster... Ricky I love you so so much. My world would not be what it is today without you in it. You hold a very special place in my heart. 
All my Love,
Weight: 21 lbs 6 oz
Height: 27 3/4 inches
Head Circumference: Still in the 100th percentile :)
Appetite:  The excitement that you show when you know that it's meal time is soo funny! And the sounds that you make when the food is in sight?! I swear someone watching you eat for the first time would think that we don't feed you. :) All three meals are pretty much what I make for Stella, Daddy and I. Not that I minded, but it is so much easier cooking one meal :) I just do my meal planning with you in mind! You definitely have a few favorites these days. For breakfast you absolutely love the Kodiak whole grain pancakes and enjoy one egg either scrambled or poached (no runny yolks of course!) You also love about every single fruit that we give you. For lunch you are digging cottage cheese with prunes and for dinner....you really will eat just about anything but you are a pasta and sweet potato lover...big time, just like your sister. Your favorite veggies at the moment are sweet potatoes, zucchini, and peas. Graham crackers are by far your favorite snack.  You have 4 milk fixes a day.. 7ish, 11ish, 3ish, and before bed. All meals are served with water. 

Clothing Size: You are currently wearing 6-12, 12-18 month clothing and you are in size 4 diapers. 
Milestones: You definitely are getting around even if it is moving backwards. You get up on all your hands and knees with no problem but can't quite get the crawling forward thing down. Once you get tired of sitting and playing, you fall forward onto your belly and begin wiggling backwards. You have wiggled backwards to point that you are in the next room. Once you get tired, you begin to cry and show frustration.  You cut two teeth  on the top which took forever to break gum!! So you now have four teeth!! your smile is the cutest thing ever! 
Thoughts/Other: We took you out for a pancake breakfast for the first time. You were hysterical and couldn't get enough! And...I am about to order your first birthday party invitations. How the hell has this first year flown by this fast? 
Our routine:  Wake up has been around 6:30. We usually snuggle, play, have a cup of milk and watch a cartoon in Mommy and Daddy's bed with Stella for a short bit before we make our way into the kitchen to eat breakfast. After breakfast which is 8ish we all play or you like to cruise around in your walker. You also love to play on the floor with Stella. You usually go down for your first nap around 9:30ish. This nap is usually about an hour to an hour and a half. If we have any plans or errands to run we usually do so after this nap because you are freshly fed.  Lunch is around noon. I make sure to wheel out your high chair so we can have a picnic outside on the deck for lunch. clean up is soo much easier :)And then more play; if it is nice out we usually hang outside in the back yard.  Your second nap is around 1:30/2ish which is another hour to hour and a half. Dinner is around 5:30/6ish. We all eat at the dinner table together. You get in some Daddy play time after dinner and take our evening bath before bed. You nurse once more before you go to bed which is NO later than 7:15. lately it's been 6:45.  We had a few nights in a row this month that bedtime was pretty rough. Inconsolable crying and rocking you to sleep kind of nights. Daddy and I totally blamed them on those top teeth! Glad to say that we are back on track with our bedtime routine. You are a rock star a majority of the time at soothing yourself to sleep. 

Your favorites: Some of your favorites at the moments are:
1. chasing Stella in your walker
2. cruising in the crazy coupe
3. swinging on the swing
4.  Food. :) this should have been #1 
5. relaxing in the hammock
6. taking a bath
7. Your blankies...you will not sleep without them.
8. Stella :) She makes you laugh so hard.
9.You still love to nurse- not too much longer little guy before cows milk!

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