Monday, May 2, 2016

Monday Musings

Its feels like forever since I sat down to write a blog post. I could be writing Ricky's nine month update still can't believe he is going to be nine months tomorrow but I figured I'd play catch up on some happenings around our parts. So let's get to it. 
I can't even begin to explain the excitement Stella had for Rick's birthday which was Friday. I mean the excitement began days before his birthday. It really was so so cute. From making Rick a card, to wrapping random toys around the playroom that she thought he would like the most...I was just blown away at how excited she was and it wasn't even her own birthday. When Rick would call her she would totally spill the beans on whatever we had done in prep for his day. I was smart in not telling her what was exactly in the box that we were wrapping for him. :) Still not sure if he was surprised by his donut cake that we made for him or if he caught on to her two fifteen slips. When Friday rolled around, she sat at the window waiting for him to get home because all she wanted him to do was open his presents and read her card. I think he didn't even get both boots off before she was telling him to come open!! She sure does know how to make someone feel special on their birthday. Love her little heart.

Speaking of Stella I have found myself stopping abruptly in my tracks lately thinking to myself did she really just say that?? Just the other day I was pumping while Ricky was napping and Stella walks in and she usually just sits next to me and chat until I am done. However, she walks in, sees that I am pumping and says..."Oh wait right there Mommy, I am going get my phone and take a picture of you pumping your boobie milk!" not making this shit up.  How about another? She begins to walk out of the room the other day, turns back at me and says "tata for now!" no idea where she heard that...
I gave her rye bread for the first time for breakfast. She looks at it and yells, "Oh no Mommy! There are buggies all over my toast!" no Stella, they are seeds sweatheart :)

totally chatting on her cell phone while nursing her baby...okay, I can probably guess where she's seen this before... ;)

I am totally in denial that I have found myself browsing on pinterest for party themes for Ricky's first birthday! In my opinion, there are so many more ideas for girl parties than boys- not counting character themes. I will continue my search until I find one that I know for sure will fit him.  Last night both kids were sleeping and Rick and I were sitting on the couch waiting for the first one to make a move to head into the kitchen to prep for the morning- get the auto brew filled and ready- pack Rick's breakfast and lunch blah blah blah... We found ourselves lost in old pictures and videos of the kids, reminiscing. If anything makes a momma tear up- it's looking at pictures and videos from when her babies were smaller. 

Stella and I drink so many smoothies especially in the warmer months when we are spending lots of time outdoors. We just love a refreshing fruit smoothie. There is no denying that Ricky digs them too. But I will be the first to admit I began not making them as much because our blender began to really suck at blending the frozen fruit. Our smoothies began to get chunky to the point it would clog the straw. Not sure why, but I just never bought a new one. Well, I finally found one that I wanted to try and immediately fell in love after the first smoothie. This Nutri Ninja is bad ass. We have actually been leaving it out on the counter because it's getting used daily. Not that my kids don't love fruits, but it's another great way to pack TONS of fruits and calcium into their daily intake. We have been hooked on a strawberry key lime smoothie.... 
1 cup of frozen strawberries
1 ripe frozen banana
1 cup of coconut milk- sometimes more
1 5.3 oz container of greek key lime pie yogurt

Stella took her first sip and says... "I looove this foozie mommy, it is soooo yummy!" I cracked up. She calls our smoothies- foozies. It is the cutest damn thing. 

One strawberry key lime foozie coming up!

Our chicks are getting big and extra messy and stinky! We love them but are counting down the days until we have move them on out to their coop! If the weather hadn't taken a turn for shit, we could have them out there during the day but it is just too cold for them still. We are in the process of weaning them off of the brooder lamp getting them ready for cooler temps. They have gotten so many feathers and don't have too much down left to loose. Most of the down that is left is on their necks. Rick also began building the run in for chickens which he will finish this upcoming weekend. One step closer to having their home complete. The past number of mornings all three of us have been having one egg with rye toast one multi grain pancake for Ricky instead of rye and splitting an avocado. I prepared the pans as usual and got ready to whip up some breakfast and found myself egg-less! Total disappointment. I am looking forward for never!! having this problem again. 

Just a sneak peak into some playroom fun

'Goals' for the Week-
begin a daily 20 minute workout- my treadmill is pinned in the basement thanks to the chicken pen and I need to do something!!
finish painting the hallway upstairs
kids wellness visits on Wednesday

Happy Monday!

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