Friday, May 27, 2016

It's Fri-YAY!

making// everything on the grill these days! Chicken, ribs, veggies- you name it, we grill it. I love the minimal clean up after grilling an entire meal. We have also been eating lots of eggs- poached, scrambled and hard boiled. Good thing I won't have to buy them much longer! let's go chickens- start laying! I also can't forget to mention our homemade popsicles- they seem to be a winner around here! Honey roasted almonds...Stella digs these and so do I. Also making animals out of our breakfasts...I love it just as much as they do. 

drinking// smoothies, water, loving lemon lime sparkling seltzer lately- so refreshing on a hot day :)
reading// Eek! I really need to get reading...but I am totally going to use this excuse- I just don't have the time. I am probably just as tired if not more tired than the kids after they go to bed. 
watching// The Bachlorette- total guilty pleasure of mine. Game of Thrones and the kids have been loving Chicken Little. I am finally back to my daily walks on the treadmill! Woohoo! As I walk on the treadmill, I always watch one DVR'ed episode of The Chew. So weird- walking to burn off the crap that I ate and watching a food show....hmm...
eating// lots and lots of watermelon! And I have found the very best place to eat it is in the pool, the water just washes away the stickiness :) 

smelling// the charcoal grill- yummy! Campfire clothes- with the kids going to bed early because of being outside all day, Rick and I sit out by the fire for a bit and relax. Guilty: I totally make smore's without the kids ;)
enjoying// our after lunch ice cream cone trips to Jimmy's! Their ice cream faces are the cutest!

loving// this video clip. She really gets him going...

hoping// Ricky continues his night sleeping habits....he is rocking it lately!!
needing// to do a thorough playroom clean out and some rearranging. On my to do list for next week is to create a reading corner specifically for reading in the playroom. 
wearing// Stella's favorite get-up lately is a bathing suit paired with her chicken coop boots! go get em' girl! 
bookmarking// lots of ideas for two birthday parties that are coming up in the next few months! Cannot believe Ricky is going to ONE and Stella is going to be THREE! Also- lots of popsicle recipes! Popsicles are a must on these hot days. 
and looking forward to//  more strawberry picking next week with the kiddies and a three day weekend with Rick home! 

Cheers to Fri-YAY!

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