Thursday, March 31, 2016


I am totally writing a post about tacos; all because of Stella. Stella talks about tacos all the time...all.the.time. I ask her every morning what she wants for breakfast sometimes I run down her choices for the morning depending on what we have and I swear tacos is not on the list, and her first answer is usually tacos. When I tell her that we don't have tacos, she then asks for 'bagetti' which is another one of her favs which we don't have for breakfast either. All said and done she will settle for one of the options that I gave her but I know she wishes it was tacos. I am not sure if it's the actual taste of the taco or if she just really enjoys building her own taco. if i had to guess, I am going to go with the second of the two. Her first response following her first bite? "It's spicyyyy!" Whether I make them with chicken, ground turkey or steak...she complains they are spicy but loves them. go figure. However, after her soft taco is assembled and rolled tightly for her to bite and eat....she'd rather eat it disassembled and she will eat the fillings separate. When I ask her what she likes on her taco she will run down the toppings always starting with tomatoes...salad...and cheese! 

I usually take out whatever I am making for dinner in the morning to defrost and I will sometimes ask Stella what she would like for dinner- already knowing her answer. I find myself making tacos often. One, because they are a great quick weekday dinner especially if Rick isn't getting home until a bit later than usual. There isn't much prep work involved. Two, when Stella asks for them, I usually have almost all of the ingredients on hand already and three I can always find myself going for tacos too! 

If we are driving somewhere and I see she is close to falling asleep and I'd rather her stay awake...taco talk saves the day! We chat about what we like on our tacos- and laugh about toppings that would be gross on tacos! Like lollipops or pickles! 

Who ever would of thought that I would be writing a post all about tacos? not me. 
Long story short- my girl loves tacos!

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Easter Weekend 2016

Okay, I honestly feel like we just put these plastic eggs away! I can guarantee they will be hanging around for another long while. Stella is crazy over the plastic Easter eggs and Ricky doesn't think they are half bad either ;) She fills them with anything and everything! Twenty eggs multiplied into hundreds. Rick and I will be cleaning these suckers up for the next umpteenth months. Easter weekend came and went so fast. We made sure to have a little Easter fun everyday this weekend. We planted jellybeans and picked the pops that grew, dyed Easter eggs which made green and blue fingers, found all the eggs that the bunny hid around the living room and pretty much ripped through a couple Easter filled goodie baskets :) I didn't even have time to take pictures of their baskets before their sticky fingers got to them. Stella is at such a fun age for these kinds of holidays. I would love to play Easter bunny or Santa every day of the year.  Gammy and Pop came over and we actually grilled for dinner since Saturday was a pretty busy day for us around here. We totally spent most of our weekend in jammies--and that is a-okay in my book and I don't think the kiddies minded much either ;)

Rick and I also had a wedding to attend this Easter weekend. we were wedding bound and kid free Saturday night. Guilty as charged: Momma was a bit hung over Easter morning. it's safe to say, we don't get out much without babies at our sides and on our hips :) I still managed to play Easter bunny and make the morning as special as possible. 

The Easter fun isn't quite over yet. We have our annual Easter buffet, egg hunt for both kiddies and adults and bonnet contest this coming Saturday at Nana and Poppop's. :)

It's always comes in handy that Stella and Ricky were born around the same time of year. I have been rummaging through a few of Stella's old goodies to see what I can put on Ricky. This was one of my favorite holiday sweatshirts...

Easter 2016- was double the fun and double the plastic Easter eggs!! 

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Easter Shenanigans

The Easter bunny has definitely been the topic of conversation these days; even though our visit to the Easter bunny was an epic fail. Stella was a sobbing mess as soon as I began to unbuckle her stroller belt and Ricky was as stone faced as they come. I dressed him with no intentions of his socks showing. However, every few seconds while he was on the bunny's lap he would slip down. Each time he would slip the bunny would hike him back up. Well every time he would slide him back up, his pants got shorter and shorter. By the time they took the picture, his pants were so jacked up, they looked 10 times too small for him. mommy probs. I feel like every holiday picture comes with a story :) I think we may just skip the fridge and slide this one into their baby books for now. And, is it just me or does Ricky look twice the size of Stella in this picture??

We are always into festive goodies around here. I have always been a popcorn lover. I think it is by far one of the best late night snacks. when i was pregnant with Ricky, popcorn was my late night craving. I cant even tell you how many single serving bags I must have went through :)
Popping that bag in the microwave doesn't get any easier; but popping it on the stove top is where it's at! Especially with a sprinkle of sea salt! I decided to give a new popcorn recipe a go. I have never made homemade caramel before. I guess buying it in a jar is by far easier, but I decided to give it a go. Easter Salted Caramel had me at popcorn and caramel. 

I remembered back to Stella's first Easter basket and found these two treasures that I put into it. Her bunny ears and cotton tail. I had to have a little fun. Are these not the cutest little bunnies you've ever seen?

And...the Easter basket makings have begun! It was so much fun this year filling two baskets with goodies. Stella is at an age where these kinds of holidays are simply the best! We are filling her basket with a variety of things...those fringe sandals that I am in love with and wish they made in adult size, the Miss Mary Mack book because her and I are ALWAYS doing the Mary Mack hand game, new flamingo jammies, dot art, and because she is on the frozen obsession- the Elsa dress, the sing along sound track and a large Frozen coloring pad. The Easter bunny is also bringing her new things for the outdoors that will not fit into her bucket like a tee ball set, a ladybug kickball, and a gardening tool set. We kept Ricky's basket pretty simple this jammies, a vibrating teether, gerber goodies like puffs and doodles, a new Easter book for his book shelf, and a new momma sippy cup in orange. Even though he is still too little, we also got him an outdoor frog kickball :)

5 more days until the Easter bunny comes and we have lots more Easter shenanigans planned for the rest of the week :)

Friday, March 18, 2016


making// okay, so one pot meals have been my jam lately. We had these two this week and loved them both. One pot Lasagna and one pot chicken chow mein. You had me at one pot and less clean up! :) We also whipped up a batch of  these.  They definitely won't last very long. Yumm!
drinking//  totally loving Starbucks new (to me it's new) Cold Brew! 
reading// articles on why toddler's don't want to go to bed even though they are sooo tired!
watching// Umm...nothing crazy. Was watching the Bachelor but that is over and I am still giving that new Show The Family a try. Not totally sold yet. 
listening// to Frozen on repeat and Stella beltin' out the tunes! "Let it Go, Let it Go....Can't hold it back anymore!"

and this girl is always singing 'It's all about that Bass' and "Shake it off". She cracks me up.

eating//  our lunch outside. Stella loves when we have picnics :) And our girl scout cookie delivery has finally arrived. Thin mints and samoas. Stella is hooked- may have to hide a few. I am not going to lie- I was thinking about telling her that they were spicy ;) Mean Mommy.  Hehe.
smelling//  Lots of baby food purees. Ricky is finally loving the chicken breast pureed with sweet potato. I used to do more of an entire meal prep for Stella and freeze the food in ice cube trays. Not doing that this time around. I found that it is easier for me to make fresh everyday or every other day using my CuisinartBaby. 

loving//  this boy so so much.

hoping//  that these crazy kiddos nap in sync today so I can get some more painting done in the foyer. 
wearing//  hopefully Stella will be wearing these sandals that the Easter bunny is bringing her very soon! I fell in love with them!

bookmarking// Different long hair styles...even though I always end up getting there and telling her to just gimme' the usual trim. I am not sure why I always do that but I do. 

and looking forward to// finally getting my hair did' tonight! It's only been since last July! 
putting together two awesome Easter baskets for my babes. 

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

What's Up this Wednesday

We have definitely been busy doing some new things around the home. After four years it was time to freshen things up and go for a new feel :) And I am so glad we did. So what's been up with us since I haven't posted much lately? Well...
The kitchen is pretty much done. I have one large wall that I am still debating on what I want to hang on it. I want to be sure before I just hang anything. We went from a pumpkin spice orange to a nice, light and refreshing gray color with lots of white! I couldn't be happier. Rick and I have talked about doing a back splash for a long time and we decided on a white subway tile! He rocked out with his tiling skills this past weekend. I organized my cabinets and cleared a lot off my counter tops :) Since we went very light with the kitchen, we decided on a dark accent color for the island part of the counters. 

The kitchen isn't the only room that we checked off. We also freshened up our bedroom and master bath. yes, we have been busy :) Once again we went from all dark colors to light grays. New paint, new bedding, new drapes...totally new feel. It was one of those things that once it was all done you had to keep peeking in it because you loved it so much...

I honestly don't think we have been out of the house without at least a tutu on in over a week. I say at least because sometimes it is much more than just a tutu. Getting out of the house now is a bit more challenging because Ricky is in the convertible car seat. So we don't have that luxury of strapping him in and carrying him out in it. Once he is dressed and ready to go- he is in my arms until we get into the truck. So I don't have time to snap a picture of Stella's outfit of the day every time. However, here are a couple of Stella's choices of little fashionista.

We now have a hammock. I have wanted one of these for a long time! This bad boy can hold up to 400 lbs, which means it can hold all four of us! Perfect for a weekend morning of relaxation for the family. :) Stella and Ricky love it and we have been on it plenty of times already. Stella calls it a "makket" because she can't yet remember hammock. I also hope that Rick and I can enjoy a cocktail in it once it gets warmer out during the evenings after the kids go to sleep for the night. date nights at home...that's where it's at.

hammock plus blanket plus babies.... <3

Snacks.... We have made little treats here and there. Of course we had to make our St. Patty's Day lucky charm marshmallow treats. The few that we have left we will be making lucky charm ice cream sandwiches with! Marshmallow treat and ice cream....hello!! We also whipped up a batch of our classic cupcakes with Easter sprinkles. Stella loves to do the sprinkles :)

Oh these sweet heavenly baby rolls.....
We think it's so funny because Ricky always sits with his feet crossed. Always. Even in the bathtub. 

That is what's up on this Wednesday! 

Monday, March 14, 2016

7 Months of our Sweet Baby Boy

Dear Ricky,
7 months of life with you sweet boy. If I had to choose one word to describe you right now, I would choose the word 'MIRACLE'. Ricky, I am so thankful for you each and every day. You came at a time in my life that I needed you just as much as you needed me. You are our miracle, and will always be our miracle. I can just kiss your sweet face all day long. You are quite the chatter box these days and we love it! I just love the way you explore my face with your hands while you nurse or while I am snuggling and rocking you during sleep time. You are what they call a Momma's boy...and that makes my heart want to explode. You went through a long patch of being sick last month and we are so happy that you are feeling better. After a few trips to the doctors, the nebulizer treatments every 4-6 hours, too many steam showers, extra snuggles, and lots and lots of snot sucking you are back in tip top shape. Thank goodness because sleep somehow didn't seem to fit in your schedule while being sick. On a happy note, we have finally began our walks on the towpath and you enjoy relaxing in the stroller and taking in all the sights and sounds. You still have fussy moments throughout the day where you just want to he held and hugged but over all you are a happy, happy baby. I always want you to know how special you are and how much Daddy's, Stella's and I's hearts love you. Ricky, you are one cutie and I can eat you up!

Weight: our home scale weighed you in at 20 lbs and 6 ounces. 
Head Circumference:  I have no doubt whatever the measurement is, you are in the 100th percentile :) All that brain baby!
Appetite:  You are a great eater! You still love love love to nurse and nurse about 5 times a day (that 5:00 am feeding to get to back down to sleep, first thing in the morning when you wake, early afternoon, late afternoon, before bed, and sometimes in the middle of the night) You are also eating three meals a day now- we recently added lunch to your meal intake :) I was happy when we did this because you would sit at the kitchen table when Stella and I eat lunch give us the look as if you were thinking 'hey, where's mine?" You would also open your mouth sometimes when I would take a bite. I felt pretty bad eating in front of you. I am glad those lunches are over ;) Breakfast is a serving of fruit with a small amount of multi grain cereal stirred in, lunch is either a serving of organic baby yogurt or cottage cheese with prunes stirred in, and dinner is usually at least two veggies and sometimes a protein served with small amount of multi grain cereal. I have also started scattering small bits of whatever we are eating (if you can have it) on your height chair tray. Carbs seem to be a winner in your foodie book- either small bits to chew on or frozen to gnaw on! You love pancakes and waffles if we have them for breakfast, you have had pizza crust, baked potato, and baked french fries. You are doing a great job chewing and swallowing. All three meals are served with water! And if the food isn't fed to you at a quick enough rate- the screeching screams and sounds that come out of you are piercing!
Clothing Size: You are currently wearing 6-12 month clothing and you are in size 3 diapers.
Milestones: Your sitting up skills have gotten even better. If sitting surrounded by toys, you actually play on your own for a few minutes. You have began eating tiny pieces of solid foods, but are still working on picking them up on your own. Everything is Da-da with a few Ma-ma's in between :)
Thoughts: So we've reached the month where you are closer to one whole year than you are to newborn. 
Bitter-bittersweet for me.
Our routine:   I think we are finally getting back into a routine! Hallelujah! You have either been waking up around 5 for a feeding which I try to put you back down for some more sleep or sometime between 6 and 7 for the day. We usually sit and play in Mommy and Daddy's bed with Stella for a short bit before we make our way into the kitchen and eat breakfast together at the table. After breakfast we all play or you like to cruise around in your walker while I either fold laundry or get some house crap done. You also love to play on the floor with Stella, jump in the Einstein or stretch it out on your kick mat. You usually go down for your first nap around 10ish. This nap is usually about an hour and a half. Lunch is around noon. And then more play and I try to have you guys nap together in the afternoon. Your second nap is around 1:30ish. All naps and sleeping for that matter are in your crib now. This doesn't always happen ;) You nurse again after you wake up from your afternoon nap and play some more. Dinner is around 5:30/6ish. We all eat at the dinner table together. You get in some Daddy play time after dinner and we have been having most of our baths right before bed in order to try and relax you before settling down into sleep. You nurse once more before you go to bed around 7:30.  
Big changes: Last update, I wrote about weaning you off of the night time feeding- well when you got sick, was teething, and battled sleep regression, this kind of went out the window. Mommy was tired and sometimes the only trick I had left in the bag to get some sleep was to nurse you. So yes I did, I caved a few times. And now this Daylight Savings Crap has you all thrown off....Momma can't catch a break!! "Oh daylight savings how I HATE you!!" I was also thinking to myself recently and if I remember correctly I never really weaned Stella off of the night time feed, she kind of just dropped it on her own. Maybe you will too---but, she also wasn't a nurser like you are and took a bottle. All in all, this whole weaning the night time feed is a work in progress. 

Your favorites: Some of your favorites at the moments are:

1. cruising in your walker.
2. being naked.
3. tubby time with Stella.
4. Frozen Mango in your mesh teether.
5. to stand when someone holds your hands.
6. Hanging in the hammock.
7. walks on the towpath.
8. being held.

and things you don't like:
the grass on your toes. You make this funny yucky face as soon as the grass touches your bare feet. And carrots? What happened-they used to be one of your favorites??
...oh yea, and the Easter bunny. 

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Spring Vibes with a Tutu For Each Day of the Week

Lots of good Spring vibes right now! We are glad to say good bye to February. It was a germy month for us over here and I can finally say we are all clear! Coughs, bronchiolitis, snot...oh my! It has felt like forever since I could say that we are all healthy. We made minimal errands, more doctor appointments, and canceled too many play dates. So March here we are, ready as ever! Bring it on! The warm weather that is :) Today's weather is where it's at. I love this weather, probably because it poops the kids out and maybe, just maybe they will be in bed early tonight! We spent as much of it outside as we could. We walked (Stella ran some and pushed Ricky in the stroller some) along the towpath, and  made our first walk to the market for a much needed can of tomato paste for tonight's dinner. I usually hate when I have all my ingredients but one for a recipe; but today I didn't mind so much. It gave me a reason to get in that extra walk. Ricky just relaxed in the stroller and took in all the scenery and sounds. 

On a side note...Frozen has been on repeat. Stella is Elsa Crazy. I honestly thought she skipped the whole Elsa high, but apparently she is on it,just a tad late. I swear Rick and I can probably recite way more lines from that movie at the moment then we would like to admit. Since her Elsa obsession, Stella is living in her dress up bin and trunk. She eats, sleeps and plays in her princess dresses and tutus like never before. I am talking the whole get up- crown, gloves and jewelry. I think my days of choosing her outfits to head out and run errands are numbered. Comprising with a toddler is easier said than done. Two days ago she wanted to wear her entire Minnie Mouse getup to the store- with a little bribery I got her to change into her blue tutu instead. This morning was a different story- she won! Stella chose her own outfit- her Ariel dress, and red hunter boots for the win!

and....if you read my last post: I may have bought something super exciting for Spring off of my current wish list ;)

Saturday, March 5, 2016

Thirty One Facts for Thirty One Years

Well, I am now 31. Rick and I are the same age for a couple of months until I am the young one again. ;) I figured I would put a list of some facts together about myself, but then thinking about it, I can probably guarantee that most of them will be about the kids. maybe not, we shall see. After all, they and Rick too have made me who I am today. So let's get started...

1. I am a Mommy to two amazing babies here at home and one tiny angel in heaven that looks down on my little family each and every day. 
2. I LOVE coffee.
3. I enjoy having a cold beer or glass of wine while I cook dinner.
4. I love when my toes and especially my finger nails are painted. 
5. My daily wardrobe consists of v-neck t shirts, cozy sweaters, button down shirts and leggings. When I do get dressed to go out it feels really good :)
6. I haven't had my hair cut since last July! (before Ricky was born.)  i am going to go book an appointment right now!!
7. I love love love being a Mom, I really think it is by far the best thing ever, My blog portrays almost all of our moments looking easy going, and endless fun. But truth is I have days where I am waving the white flag waiting for Rick to get home. (and the f bomb may have slipped out under my breathe)
8. Sometimes when I ask Stella what she wants for breakfast, she answers "a jelly samich and butter samich." a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Sometimes I cave and let her have it :)
9. I am a morning person. Good thing for that because the kids are early risers!
10. I never ever take my Mabel necklace off. 
11. I love trying new dinner recipes. After trying a new recipe it either goes on the make again list or straight in the trash, 
12. I hate emptying the dishwasher!
13. One of my greatest desires is for my children to look back on their childhood when they are grown and think damn it was a good one.
14. A guilty pleasure of mine are deep dried buffalo wings.
15. I would love to learn how to sew and make my kids clothes one day. 

halfway there...

16. I am so grateful for my other half. Being in a happy, healthy marriage is amaze-balls :)
17. I truly deeply feel so fortunate to able to stay home and raise our kids. 
18. I have excepted the fact that our house has kids and it's okay for it to look like a tornado came whipping through it. toys everywhere!!
19. My hair is always in a top knot! Maybe because it is too long at the moment and it always gets in the way with nursing. Ricky is not a fan of hair with his milk.
20. My favorite food is sushi. I could eat it seven days a week for dinner. 
21. If I were to have a collection it would either be of sunnies, love me a cool pair of shades,  or t-shirts with kick ass sayings on them. 
22. My favorite memory with the hubby is... I could easily say our trips to Aruba held some pretty kick ass memories but watching him hold Stella for the first time in our hospital room after she was born. becoming a Daddy.
23. Right now at the very top of my wish list is a hammock that will hold all four of us :)
24.Favorite candy by far are Good n Plenty's.
25. I am a sucker for Target and HomeGoods.
26. I think that moment when you see your baby for the very first time out of the womb is the most magical, insane feeling in the world!
27. My everyday make up routine consists of moisturizer, tinted beauty balm, under eye corrector, a bit of bronzer on forehead, cheeks and nose, little bit of blush, eye liner and some days mascara. I also love a good neutral gloss.
28. I blow dry my hair 2-3 times a week. 
29. I really hope for Stella and Ricky to grow up and be best friends. 
30. Totally love dancing around the kitchen to good tunes...probably a little too much :)
31. I hate that I love Justin Bieber's music sooo much!!

Cheers to 31!