Monday, February 29, 2016

Our Weekend and Blueberry Muffins

You know your a Mom when you find yourself doing the army crawl in and out of the baby's room to pop the soothie in his mouth so he doesn't see you; because making eye contact will just make him cry even more. Half way through my crawl I find myself thinking "Wtf am I doing?" as I silently chuckle. It seems like since my little man has been sick, he has forgotten how to sleep! Naps and night time sleep have not been very nice to me lately. Ricky never was a huge fan of the soothie either. We even dip it in gripe water to make it taste yummy...and that seems to do the trick for a minute or two and then we find ourselves back at square one. He just wants to be cuddled...all.the.time. can I blame him? I mean who doesn't love falling asleep cuddled in someones arms? This all reminds me of this story book : Go the F**K to sleep book. this book is pretty fitting at the moment. Someone had to write it. :) We do the auto-delivery for our baby wipes, I was going to see if I can add coffee and wine to the monthly delivery if this sleep shit decides to stick around ;) 

Even with this extreme sleep deprivation going on over here, we had a really nice weekend. Rick ended up working Saturday and the kids and I went to a 50th celebration for Nana. Besides a 2 year old meltdown in the bathroom and a baby that wouldn't sleep, we had a great time! It's always nice seeing the family together. And Stella loves getting dressed up in her dresses and dress shoes. She likes to spin around the house saying "I'm a Princess!"

Love my babies!

We are well into our kitchen makeover at the moment. So another Home Depot run was on the agenda for Sunday. We decided to put Ricky in the carriage for the first time and he loved it. He swung his feet the entire time and just took in all the new scenery and sounds. Not to mention Stella loves to walk around the stores. Okay, and Sunday's weather?! A-maz-ing! We went straight into town for a long walk on the towpath right after Home Depot. Ricky is also sitting in the big boy stroller seat and loves it! Mama can't pick up and carry his car seat much longer- he is sooo friggin heavy! i just might bust an ovary! So we have been making the transition out of the car seat. I will definitely at times miss the convenience of just popping the whole car seat in and out of the truck and into the shopping carts. When we got home from the towpath, I made the official switch of car seats. Ricky will now be riding in his convertible seat and the infant seat it getting packed away. i'm tearing up over here. how did he get so big so fast?  The walk on the towpath was so refreshing- something we all needed...bad. Ricky fell asleep in the stroller and Stella walked a pretty long distance. Rick and I were blown away when she was asking us if we remembered specific things that we found on the towpath last year. It's crazy what she remembered!

Okay and for the record I have found the perfect blueberry muffin recipe! These were an indulgence and fell nothing short of amazing! Especially warm for Sunday breakfast:)

Blueberry Streusel Muffins

For Muffins
2 cups all-purpose flour
1/2 tsp. salt
3 tsp. baking powder
2 large eggs
1 cup sugar
1 cup greek yogurt
1/2 cup vegetable oil
1 tsp vanilla
2 cups blueberries (fresh or frozen/thawed)

For Topping
1 cup flour
2/3 cup sugar
1 stick of salted butter (softened) 

1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees & line muffin pan with paper liners
2. In a large bowl, mix together flour, baking powder & salt.
3. In another bowl, whisk eggs & sugar together. Add yogurt, oil & vanilla.
4. Add wet ingredients into dry ingredients & combine well.
 5. Gently fold blueberries into mixture & set aside.
6. For streusel topping, combine flour, sugar & melted butter, stir with a fork until crumbly.
7. Divide muffin mix into paper liners (2/3 full), sprinkle streusel topping evenly on top of each muffin until it is all used.
8. Bake for approximately 16-18 minutes or until golden brown.

It just so seems that Ricky has decided that a 20 minute nap is sufficient! Gotta run! or do the army crawl ;)

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Baby Toes, Colds and a Round of Yes, She Said That!

Okay, there is just something about baby toes that get me all the time. 

These ten little toes plus another ten little toes have been spending a lot of time in Mommy and Daddy's bed lately. Longer mornings, afternoon Mickey and early bedtime snuggles all in our bed. Both battling colds. Both demanding extra snuggles. Ricky is getting over bronchiolitis and Stella of course caught some of what Ricky had. I mean how couldn't she, because she is forever up in his grill. Every time Ricky gets into our bed he spends almost the entire time trying to pick off the polka dots from the sheets.

it was all fun and games on the bed until baby brother found big sis's foot to be a chew toy and covered it in drool. When Stella saw the drool, all hell broke loose. 

In between wiping noses, going head on with sleep which is at times non existent lately-thank you colds and teething,  giving the littles their desired cuddles, Rick and I have been tackling a few projects around the house. Four years of the same paint colors call for change! We have decided to freshen things up and give our home a new look. Eight gallons of paint and a number of trips to Home Goods later...

Stella is at such a fun and sassy age. The age where Rick and I really really need to watch what we say. Even when we think she is pre-occupied and not paying attention, her ears somehow have a way of picking up our words.

Here is a small list of just some of the things that have come out of her mouth lately...that have stopped me in my laugh of course. 

1. Rick and I were working on our bathroom one evening after Ricky had gone to bed. Stella was watching, playing and helping all at the same time. She walked away to get something, and came back with a diaper in her hand and said "Daddy, lay down, I change your diaper!"

2. I am usually one to park far away and walk the extra distance. But when it's raining out, and need to go out, with two kids I am on the hunt for a close spot. I do usually try to pick a spot that I think no one is going to park too closely or else I have a hard time getting them in and out of the truck. The one day we come out of the store and it was raining- I stuck Ricky's car seat in and go around to Stella's side. I try to open to door, I wasn't even be able to open the door all the way! I mean what the eff?? Don't people realize I need to open my door to get in! I try to hold the door open just enough to squeeze Stella through to get her in her seat, she can tell I am frustrated in my tone, and she says "You gotta be kidding me!"

3. Surprise Surprise, Rick was joking around inappropriately.  Meanwhile all in the kitchen, Stella was playing play-doh nicely at the kitchen table while I was preparing dinner. She seemed so into what she was doing- kind of like we weren't even in the kitchen with her. Part of Rick's comment was with my balls hanging out....and Stella says out loud "Yea, Daddy my balls hanging out too!"

4. After we finished painting our bedroom, I picked out and purchased new bedding. Stella I think was more excited than I was for "new sheets" as she called it. After the bedding was on she says, "Oh my Gosh! I love your new sheets soooooo much!"

5. She loves to play in her kitchen and make dinner. The other day she brings me a plate of spaghetti and says, "Mommy you need eat all your dinner, bagetti and pepper sauce, Daddy come home and play with you!"

Oh this girl....

Ricky is cruising around in the walker and he is loving it. This is all new territory for him. He can now reach toys on his own- Stella's toys!!

Now I'm off to grab a paint brush! and suck some snot!

Friday, February 19, 2016

Stella: Be a Pineapple

Little Miss Stella,
I have told you over and over before but I am going to tell you again; you have rocked my world baby girl. Rocked it real hard. You are just a month shy of 2 and a half already and I can't believe how much you have grown...and some of the things that come out of your mouth! I am not going to lie, you keep me on my toes. "No Mommy I don't want to take a nap, you need to take a nap!" true story!  Let's see you like to choose your own clothes at times, especially your shoes...we still need to work on matching a bit. Sorry princess, but Minnie mouse jammie pants don't quite go with a Christmas sparkle shirt :) You are rockin' the undies like whoa! and like to shake your butt to Shake it Off and It's All About That Bass. Daddy's going to have his hands full when you get older ;)  You are always throwing compliments my way and I can't help but look at you and say damn where did you learn that? "Mommy I laa your pants." or "Mommy I laa your braid." Don't worry Mommy and Daddy are always throwing them your way too and you follow with a "Thank you" So stinking sweet. You are sweet, loving, caring with a bit whole lot of sass! You are a girl that knows what she wants and you definitely let that be known. ok guilty- you may have gotten' it from your Mama! Lately you are the procrastination queen! You know how to work it... and Mommy and Daddy are catching on. You have Daddy wrapped around your finger though. If Mommy says no, you make a bee line for Daddy. Just as it's time to head upstairs to bed either you have to go potty which is a good one because that entails taking off your feety jammies (because you just have to pee naked- there is no other way according to you), taking off your sleepy diaper, pushing out the tiniest little driblet of pee...putting a diaper back on and putting your feety jammies back on. That's a good 15 minute jam right there. But if it's not the potty trick, it's that you want a snack, or more milk, or water or you need to find a barrette to put in your hair. You love to brush your teeth, help me fold the laundry (even though the way you fold is pretty comical- you literally shake it out and roll it back into a ball), swim in the tub, bake in the kitchen with me, begin your dinner with a little bowl of Ricky's pureed fruit or veggie, tell me just how sour your lemon icy is after every single bite, and put your pants on all by yourself. 50/50 chance they are on the right way!

Stella, the way you love on your brother is simply amazing to watch and makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. Proud Mommy over here! You couldn't have fallen into the big sister role any more perfectly. Stella, he looks and smiles at you and it just beams love. Pure love. And the way you tell Daddy and I that you love us all on your own...I mean Mommy and Daddy's just wait for that. There are really no words to describe the feeling it gives me when you look at me and all on your own say "Mommy, I laa you." melt my mommy heart.

Mommy and Daddy love you so much that it hurts. one day you will understand what that means and feels like. it's a real thing baby girl.  We couldn't be more proud of you. You made me a Mommy and I am so so thankful that you are ours and we get to keep you :)

One last thing...

Be a pineapple:
Stand tall,
wear a crown,
and be sweet on the inside.

Stella, I laa you.

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Happy 6 Months Ricky

Dear Ricky,
Seriously? Are we at the half way mark to one whole year? One word...bittersweet. You are a blast these days. The smiles, giggles, funny gestures have Mommy, Daddy and Stella laughing. You are growing up so fast right before our eyes. You and I started baby and Mommy yoga. I love the time that we get to share together just you and I; it is so special. You are reaching for anything and everything and putting anything that you can get your hands on right into your mouth! Teething has been hard on you and we have had some rough days. You are battling your second cold at the moment and I am trying to give you as many cuddles as possible to make you comfortable.  Baby boy your giggle is so contagious and your smile lights up the room. Daddy, Stella and I are lovin' on you hard and think you are the cutest baby around! 
All my Love.

Weight: 19 lbs 8 ounces (81st percentile)
Height: 25 3/4 inches (100th percentile)
Head Circumference:  48.5 cm (100th percentile)
Appetite:  You LOVE to nurse. You would nurse all day and night if you could. Daddy and I have been trying bottle after bottle and cup after cup trying to get you to take milk from something besides the boob. We have had no luck thus far. (so far we have tried a total of 4 different bottles and 3 different cups) We will still keep trying. I have a feeling when it does come time to wean you from nursing, it is not going to be easy! You are now eating solids for breakfast and dinner. Breakfast is 1 Tbl of Earths Best organic multi grain baby cereal and 2-3 Tbl of a fruit. Dinner is 1 Tbl of the baby cereal and 2-3 Tbl of a veggie. The only foods that you have not likes thus far are green beans and chicken. Boy, you better like chicken because we eat alot of it!! I have been taking it pretty light on the baby cereal because of the gas. So far so good :) Solids you have tried so far (all made by Mommy) are: sweet potato, turnips, peas, green beans, chicken, carrots, pears, prunes, apples, and bananas. You nurse about 5 times a day and have water with both breakfast and dinner. 
Clothing Size: You are currently wearing 6-12 month clothing and you are in size 3 diapers.
Milestones: You are sitting up on your own great! You also cut two teeth in 11 days time and you are now eating breakfast an dinner with solids!
Thoughts: I hope that these next 6 months crawl because these first 6 went by way too fast. 
Our routine:   To be totally honest I felt like we were in a great routine and then teething along with sleep regression hit and messed up everything! I am still trying my best to stick with our daily routine but naps seem like cat naps the past few days and waking in the middle of the night has multiplied the past few nights. Teething stinks! Those two suckers finally broke gum and gave you a real run for your money. You have either been waking up around 5 for a feeding which I try to put you back down for some more sleep or sometime between 6 and 7 for the day. All three of us (4 of us on the weekends) eat breakfast together at the table. After breakfast depending on your wake time you either take a morning cat nap around 9ish or play until 11ish then take your first nap . You love to play on the floor with Stella, jump in the Einstein or stretch it out on your kick mat. If it is bath day you usually take a bath after your first nap. Lunch is around noon and I usually just give you a snack after you nurse in your height chair while Stella eats. For example, frozen bagels for those gums or some fruit in your mesh teether. More play and I try to have you guys nap together in the afternoon. You both go down sometime around 1 and 2. This doesn't always happen ;) You nurse again after you wake up fro your afternoon nap and play some more. Dinner is around 5:30/6ish. We all eat at the dinner table together. You get in some Daddy play time after dinner and nurse once more before you go to bed around 7:30.  We have been working on cutting out the 1 am feeding. Instead of feeding you when you wake to eat I dip the soothie in some gripe water and snuggle you back up in your crib. You have been doing okay but it's only been a few days. Since we are 86ing the mid night feeding, I think that may be the reason you are waking earlier in the morning to eat. 

Big changes: Besides cutting out the 1:00a.m. feeding, you now have 2 teeth on the bottom. You are cruising around in your walker and are sitting more straight up in the bath tub. You and Mommy started a yoga class together and I love it so so much. You also sat in your big boy seat in the stroller and loved it. You were able to look around while we strolled. 

Your favorites: Some of your favorites at the moments are:

1. to be held 
2. you LOVE nursing. you do this funny thing if Daddy is sitting next to you when you are nursing. you stop, look up and give Daddy this look with a smile like "ha, look what I got and you don't!" you then nurse a few seconds more, look up with the same look over and over. We crack up.
3. being naked
4. taking a bath and playing in the shower
5. when Daddy tickles you- the giggles are priceless
6. when Stella talks to you
7. Anything hard to chomp down on.



Saturday, February 13, 2016

Valentine's Day

I should be wrapping up Ricky's 6 month update but I can't help but write about Valentine's Day this weekend! I feel so lucky to have the day tomorrow to spend with my three Valentines. I plan on spending the day home with my homies kicking it off with some XO pancakes and heart shaped strawberries, just like last year :) all in heart jammies. I also think a pink grapefruit mimosa would accompany this breakfast perfectly ;) I also put together a little bag of goodies for little miss Stella to open up with her Valentines Day breakfast. I chose a new Minnie plate, Minnie cup, some mini lemon drop cookies, a new necklace that shouts Spring, a Minnie toothbrush and a mini box of chocolates that I am sure I will be eating! 

As I think about Valentine's Day I can't help but think that this will be Rick and I's 15th one shared together! Crazy! Rick and I are high school sweethearts and have created this little life together that I love so so much. Of course before kids Rick and I would always go to dinner, on vacation- it was always so easy to find and spend just us time together. Two littles later, we may not go out as often but we make sure to find us time at home. we make our own fun at home and I wouldn't change a thing.  After the kids are asleep, this is when we kick back together and enjoy a cocktail, shoot the shit, watch a movie or play a game together. Finding this time makes our relationship still feel new.  i think it's key to a great marriage.  After all we together are the reason these amazing babies are with us. So 15 Valentine's Days spent together: cheers to that! 

And what better way to end heart day tomorrow than with a mommy and baby yoga class with my little crush. Ricky and I had our first baby yoga class last weekend and he loved it! He was smiles the entire time! 

Hope you have a great Valentine's Day! Sealed with a Kiss.

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Simple Things Go A Long Way

Rick and I would buy them the world if we could. But really what it comes down to aren't the things that we could buy, but the simple things that we do everyday here at home that really matter. These simple things make them feel loved. These simple things make our world go round here at home. 

it's those moments where we all find ourselves lost in laughter

it's turning off the t.v and giving them our undivided attention

it's rubbing flour on each other's noses

it's stopping whatever I am doing to hold her little hands to bust a move to a tune

it's talking his language

it's looking into their eyes

it's tasting that soup that she worked so hard on in her little kitchen

it's letting her whisk

it's holding him tight swaying to the music

it's eating dinner as a family at the table

it's taking magic 'blanket' rides and building forts

it's laying in her bed with her for that extra minute star gazing

it's those baby massages that follow a warm bath

it's putting on make up together and painting her tiny little nails

These are the kinds of things that really matter. It's simplicity. These moments that we share with them are far more valuable and are memories and moments we will have forever.

Simple things like these are the things that fill the heart the most.

Stella and Ricky- you are rich, you're rich in love. 

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

It's Getting Valentines-ey Up in Here!

It's finally gettin' all Valentine's-ey up in here! We are a little behind, but better late than never. The computer has been folded up and put away for a number of days- a stomach bug ripped through me like a freight train and I've just been caring for the kiddies. life of a mommy. But on to Valentine's Day...

We have hopped on the Valentine's Day treat band wagon and put up a few pink things here and there. Holiday towels in the kitchen never last- they either end up in Stella's kitchen sopping wet with water or wrapped around her baby doll. It's so funny how excited Stella gets for new little decorations. "Look Mommy! I love it!" When Ricky takes his naps is when Stella and I find ourselves in the kitchen. We made one of our favorite go to snacks, chocolate dipped pretzels. these are just too easy to pop one ten in your mouth! We also made little heart shaped brownies to look like conversation hearts. minus the message. I am not quite sure when more icing ended up, on the actual brownies or in Stella's mouth. Stella needed to taste every color of icing that we made. 

Me: "Stella who is your Valentine?" 
Stella: "Daddy, Ricky, Mommy, Stella my baletine."

melt my heart, will ya?

On this weeks Valentine's Day agenda? More pink, V-day jammies, heart shaped pizza's, and endless kisses and hugs. 

Monday, February 1, 2016

Recent Thoughts and Pictures

It was a busy weekend so I am kind of thankful for this lazy pajama kind of Monday. Even though it is warm enough outside for a walk, I think we may just stay in our pajamas and rewatch Grease Live from last night and play way too many rounds of Candyland by Stella's rules of course- spin, find that color square ANYWHERE on the board and  place your piece.  I thought I would just do a quick post on what's been going on around here since I clearly haven't been writing as many posts...
My Uncle Jon bought me this Aerogrow for Christmas and Stella and I love it. Since we clearly didn't have much luck growing our herbs outside last Summer because of a few really strong gusts of winds, we are hoping to have better luck growing them inside. We placed three pods in the Aerogrow- basil, parsley, and dill. Three of my favorites to cook with. Stella loved setting it up and she gets excited to see how much the seeds as she calls them grow each night. Every morning when she sees the herbs she shouts "Look Mommy/ Daddy seeds growed!" She adds the water to the tank and also adds the plant food and nutrients every two weeks. Aerogrow for the win!

While Ricky napped one day last week Stella and I sat at the kitchen table and had a little fun painting her Valentines. She had a blast painting and sticking the stickers and gems to the cards. The writing was left up to me ;) V-day cards done and mailed- may I add that they were on time if not a tad early?!  As far as the Valentine's Day treats go..we are slacking- big time! gotta get on that!

A few other random thoughts..

Stella's go to breakfast lately is French vanilla whole milk yogurt with granola, berries and a drizzle of honey.  

This little girl is more obsessed with my new hair dryer than I am ;)

This little guy is trying so so hard to hold his cup and drink on his own... oh and those leg rolls- just scrumptious.

This picture of Stella was from last Easter. I loved her bunny jammies so so much, and the gap has these bunny jammies for this Easter. totally on it!

Lastly... my arms may be full but my heart is fuller. Stella and I rocked our matching shoes ;)