Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Long Weekend Shenanigans and a Few Randoms

Life around here lately....a nice three day weekend with Rick home, lots of sunshine, pool and water fun, globs of sunscreen which meant bath time at nights, lots of popsicles, water balloons, bbq for grub, relaxation, and some random fun things inside while taking a break from the sun. 

One of which included sticker fun on my belly... all of the places to put stickers and she chose my belly....gotta love her. Once this lovely collage was done we took them off one by one. :)

The back deck has become quite the play land. We spend so much time out there and Stella will play with anything if there is water involved; even if it is Ellie's water dish. 

this gal has an entire deck of toys, but Daddy's cigar tube was a winner for quite awhile. Fill with water and rocks, dump and repeat...

Over the weekend we also went to Gammy and Pop's house for a small Memorial Day bbq. Daddy and Pop attempted to fly a kite with you but there wasn't a lick of wind, maybe next time ;) 

Two of my favorite colors on Stella this Spring have been this teal and the coral of her swimsuit. I actually took a shopping trip to Old Navy this weekend in search of a few Summer items for Stella and didn't forget about our little man. I am not sure what it is but I am loving the flamingos that I am seeing everywhere.

Here are a few of my findings....

love the back of this chambray dress

nuttin' like a good baseball tee and some comfy sweatpant capris

For a few other randoms....
It wouldn't be a complete Spring here without a baby deer born or placed in our yard by it's Momma.

Mabel's tree is looking beautiful...

Rick and I had another doctor appt yesterday. Baby's heartbeat is a healthy 140 and I am now up 15 lbs., one pound less than last appt. All the doctors get a kick out of how lopsided my belly is....he was  once again cozied up on the right side as usual. Next appt in two weeks is a growth scan to see how big our little man is. So surreal but our date for our c section has been put in and requested. And the nursery carpet is being installed today. :)

Made these jerk shrimp and pineapple skewers for dinner last night. They were so yummy. I served them with brown rice and grilled zucchini. Definitely a make again! Stella approved- she ate her whole damn plate! And these buffalo chicken lettuce wraps are what's for dinner tonight.

Saturday, May 23, 2015

When One Becomes Two

I have been thinking a lot about these last two months before Ricky arrives. I am sure like any Momma, I have been thinking about how one becomes two. I have been thinking about how Stella is going to react when she first sees him or how she is going to be when she learns that we are bringing him home and keeping him. I have also been thinking about things I can do throughout the day to continue to devote my attention to just Stella at points because I think that one on one is still very important. I want to include her in everything possible when it comes to Ricky and make her feel like the big sister as much as possible. I am sure she will have no problems filling the role. She is so smart, loving, and offers lots of cuddles. I promise myself we will still have our one on one fro yo dates or trips to Target and of course our dance parties in the kitchen.

My top priorities will be making them both feel loved equally. Each day it seems impossible for me to love Stella anymore because my heart feels so full, but it does grow with each and everyday. I know when I see her blossom into this big sister that she is going to be, my heart is going to explode with love. The same way my love changed and grew for Rick when I saw him fall into the father role. You simply think the heart can't love anymore, then it just grows and grows.

So these next two months I want to spend as much quality time with Stella and as a family of three doing special things together and creating memories with Stella. it's not about the quantity, it's about the quality. Some things I would love to do with her are:

go strawberry and peach picking
head down to the beach and boardwalk
lots of trips to the park
fro yo, smoothies and lunch dates galore!
have picnic lunches outside
makes lots of different popsicles and eat them of course

Little miss Stella, you will always be my baby ;)

Thursday, May 21, 2015

7 Months Along

The bump pics this time around are pretty sad... either not being taken as often as I'd like or taken by me while Stella is busy or asleep. No make up, sweats all the way, and it's a damn selfie none the less. I am really not the selfie type...ha! 

Anyway, here is a quick bump update at 7 months pregnant.

I am still feeling good overall. Still tired at the end of the day- chasing a toddler around is no joke :), and a few leg cramps here and there especially in right leg (I definitely remember having them with Stella). At our last doctor appointment I got to listen to Ricky's heartbeat which was nice and strong. I am also up 16 pounds at this point; so I gained 2 more pounds in this last month. 

Little Ricky seems to be most cozy on the right side of my belly. Therefore, a perfectly round belly is not to be found over here. I am forever lop sided. :) He is quite wiggly and his stretches at times stop me in my tracks. I love watching the alien looking movements that have been taking place. He is still most active early mornings and evenings. He also gets the hiccups several times a day...just like Stella did :)

There have been no cravings lately and have definitely cut down on the sugary sweets. I also have been focusing more on eating 6 mini meals throughout the day and cut out the main 3 meals. I have kept my water intake to about 60 oz per day. I need to get back to my infused water because I must add that I am getting a bit bored with plain water. Also, still walking 30 min on the treadmill 5 days a week- usually take the weekends off when Rick is home. 

Rick and I are still talking to Stella about Ricky as often as we can, and on her own every now and then she will point to my belly and say baby "baba". When I tell her his name is Ricky, she says "Reee"- makes my heart melt. 

I honestly can't believe in 10 weeks that our family will be growing by another tiny bundle. I also can't believe in 10 weeks I will be sleep deprived and up every few hours during the night feeding again. :) I am feeling excited, anxious, nervous all at once. 

I am not going to lie...I have thought a lot about those nights in the hospital that I will be away from Stella. It already makes me tear up. She has been my one and only sidekick for months on months now and to be away from her...I just can't explain the feelings. 

As for the nursery...not much has taken place in there. It is still just painted. The carpet is being installed next week so we can start tinkering with the furniture and the treasures that I have purchased lately. Here are a few of the treasure that I have purchased...

we chose to go with a rustic woodland theme...

this is the crib sheet, along with this fox that I had made from a little shop that I found on Etsy- he is a one of a kind. Stella is in love with this fox so I think I will be ordering one for her in the near future.  I think he is soo stinkin' cute...

here are two prints that I purchased and will matte and frame

and lastly two items that I just fell in love with...

Hopefully in the next few weeks I will have more of a completed nursery to share... ;)

Monday, May 18, 2015

15 Things I Say To My Toddler Daily

1. You're going to get a boo boo!

2. What did I just say?

3. One...Two...Three...One... ( Guilty...I always start over...)

4. Be Careful!!!

5. If you carry all of that, you are going to trip!!

6. Do you even know why you are crying?

7. Out of the toilet!!!

8. Are you really going to dump that? I just cleaned it up!

9. Sit on your butt!!

10. You better listen to Momma.

11. Where is Momma's baby?

12. Help Momma clean up.

13. No treat until you finish your meal!

14. Stella is a good girl. <3

15. I Love You!!

Friday, May 15, 2015

A Look Into Our Typical Day

I didn't really write much as far as Stella's developments or schedules in her 19 month update. However, the list of her new developments would go on and on. I most likely would forget a thousand things. I did mention her vocabulary is incredible, and i mean every word of that.  It really is so much easier now that she can communicate with Rick and I. She can tell us what is wrong, or what she wants or needs. More than not we can easily understand her, and if not she will take us by the hand and show us. she is one smart cookie.  Let's see, some of her newest developments are identifying colors such as red, blue, green, black, pink, and yellow, drawing lines, dots, and circles, she can identify a list of fruits and vegetables, when she gets dressed she calls her items of clothing by their correct name- shorts, shoes, socks, and when she sees Rick or I getting dressed she always points out our undies and/or my bra!! She tells me when she pees or poops by pointing to her diaper and saying "ppp". For real though, the amount of things that she calls or states by name would take me forever to sit here and list: baby, blankies, Minnie, kitty, pool, bubbles, butt, boo boo, she will tell you when something is stinky by saying stinky, water, snack, ice pop, shower, bath, towel, chair, eat, dirty, sunnies, blocks, napkin, sit, i pad, milk, juice, sandals, money, book, chalk, car, truck,...okay I will decide to stop there. You get the idea!

Anyway, I thought I would write a post about what our daily schedule looks like. So here goes a look into our typical don't get me wrong there are days that don't look exactly like this or anything like this for that matter. We definitely have 'those kinds of days' here and there where this little munchkin decides not to nap, or I have something planned in the middle of the day, or she wakes up ridiculously early and ends up napping crazy early too....

Stella is like clockwork. She usually wakes up for the day anywhere between 6:45 and 7:15. As she wakes she stands in her crib and calls "Maa" when she is ready for me to come up and get her. After her morning diaper change, she always gives me a hug, kiss and says 'good morning Ma' . please don't ever let that stop ;) She still enjoys a 4-6 oz bottle of milk when she wakes up. this bottle will hopefully be 86'ed soon. Stella lays in Rick and I's bed cozied up in my body pillow smack in the middle of the bed drinks her milk and watches an episode of Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. During this time I am usually in the kitchen making my cup of coffee, opening up the blinds and straightening up a few things here and there for the day. She will shout for me when she is done and wants down. Not long after she is down does she make her way to her chair in the kitchen and say eat. She eats breakfast around 7:30/8. Lately it's been a yogurt parfait with granola and frozen blueberries, a small bowl of cereal with fresh fruit or scrambled eggs with toast and fruit. If she is in a cereal mood, she goes right for the pantry and says "ssseee" for cereal. When she is done eating, we head to the playroom for a bit and play. I sometimes try to squeeze in a few chores while she is busy in the playroom. If we are heading out to run errands or food shop we get showered, brush the teeth and cleaned up after breakfast and usually head out early around 10:30ish. Momma doesn't want to miss that afternoon nap window ;) If we are home for the day we usually make our way outside around that time in our pjs and she plays on the deck- no water yet of course, usually it is too chilly still for water. I make sure to fill her water table and pool early though so it can warm up as the sun comes up. When the temps start to get warm we come in and get dressed- shorts, bathing suits, whatever that day calls for. :) And then we play! Stella typically enjoys a small snack outside around 10:30.

Lunch hits around noon. Sometimes we eat inside, and sometimes we eat on a towel or blanket outside. Stella enjoys a variety of things for lunch these days. Typically it is whatever I eat as well. Lots of homemade guac, cucumber sandys, leftovers from dinner the night before, she loves loves loves the Horizon Organic white shell mac n cheese. I always try to squeeze in a fresh fruit and/or veggie. When she eats all of her lunch she asks for a treat. "tree" That's when the ice pops start flowing outside on the deck :)

And for the glorious naptime.... Stella usually goes down for her nap around 1. She typically sleeps until 3:30/4. This is the time where I cram cram cram! I get my ass on the treadmill for 30 min, do laundry, prep any dinner prep that is needed, pay bills, clean whatever needs to be cleaned-lately not enough of this is taking place haha, empty my most likely full sink of dishes, and if there is anytime left to just sit for a moment- riiiight. 

She wakes right around the time when Rick gets home from work. If she is already awake, she is watching for him at the window to pull up the driveway, if not Rick greets her in her crib after her nap. She knows she has Daddy wrapped around her finger and usually immediately asks to go on her swing. While Rick plays with Stella I begin cooking dinner around 5. This is when things can get a bit cray cray around here! A few days a week Rick heads down to the gym in the basement to get a work out in. I try to cook dinner and deal with a hungry child! Stella is like damn clockwork when it is dinner time. And when she is a hungry kid, all hell breaks loose! She cries and walks around saying eat! I proceed and try to tell her that I am cooking as fast as I can.  I try my best to not give in and let her eat anything because I don't want to spoil her dinner appetite. I also try to have dinner done for right when Rick is done working out. I think it is so important to have family dinner time. But sometimes a girl just gotta eat! After dinner Stella usually gets her treat of the day; a small scoop of frozen yogurt, an icy, a half of a cupcake if we baked them, or if she picked out a donut at the food store while grocery shopping.

Dinner clean up, my favorite part of the day- NOT! Lately Stella has layers and layers of sunscreen applied to her skin after a days worth of play outside. So bath time at night has been more frequent lately. While I clean up dinner and pack Rick's lunch for the following day, he takes her up for a bath. She loves the bath and as soon as he says the word, she races for the stairs! After the kitchen is clean, counters are scoured, I dim the lights and make my way up to try and catch some bath time with them. After bath time we have some more playtime. Stella knows when she is ready for bed because at that point she asks Rick or I for milk. She sits with Rick and I on the couch/lights super low or off and has her 8 oz bottle of milk at around 8/8:30. She gives Rick or I her bottle, says "all done" and we take her right up to bed. LIGHTS OUT!!  As happy as I am to sit, relax, and put my feet up, I watch her on the monitor and miss her like crazy.

I am a firm believer of consistency being key. We follow this schedule as close as possible everyday we can. Like I said before, there are days that definitely don't follow our daily routine at all and days that we are out and about all day long and days where sleep is just going to happen. But those days are okay to have too :)

We also make sure to send Daddy lots and lots of pictures throughout the day!

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

19 Months

Dear Stella,
 Where on Earth should I begin...

Where have the past 19 months gone? Where ever they have gone, they have been Daddy and I's best 19 months yet and I know I always say that but it is the simple truth. You have filled our days with so much love, laughter, and fun. You are one special little girl and we don't want you to grow up. Moments that Daddy and I share with you are moments that we will forever carry in our hearts. Whoever once said that when you become a parent you carry your heart on your sleeve is so right. You Stella walk around with pieces of Daddy and I's hearts every day everywhere you go. As much as that hurts sometimes (and all other Moms know what I mean when I say that it can hurt), Daddy and I would never have it any other way. 

Stella, some of the things you say Daddy and I just look at each other and crack up! "Where the hell did she learn that?"  we say. Your vocabulary is simply amazing. It takes you no time at all to pick things up or repeat something. You are a girly girl who loves to play dress up but will be the first in line to dig in the dirt. 

These past 19 months have been so sweet and Daddy and I both know that the next 19 will be just as, if not sweeter. It truly 'fills my bucket' to know that Daddy and I are able to give you the life that we do. We try so hard each and everyday to be the best we can for you. You are something incredible. 

Stella, here is a list of some of your present favorites:
-let me just start this list with blankies, kitty, Minnie, and baby because this "tribe" goes everywhere with you/us. I mean everywhere- on walks, grocery shopping, you name it, it goes!
-anything water- your water table, pool, bathtime
-nail polish
-make up, Mommy's make up seems like it is where it is at these days
-tutus, necklaces and headbands
-being outside
-ice pops
-swinging on the swing
-I think we may be the only one in town with a Xmas blow up still standing tall each day. Our blow up Minnie is standing tall each and everyday!

You are so so loved sweet girl. And Daddy and I melt over the love that you give us. I still look at you and tear up because you are ours. Stay sweet. xoxo

All our Love,
Momma and Daddy

Monday, May 11, 2015

Weekend Happenings

I have been a bit of a dud since trying to battle this nasty ass cold. one of the worst things ever: trying to sleep and not being able to breath!! I have been praying that Stella doesn't get any of it but being home all day with her makes it a bit hard to keep my germs away. Lots of hand washing and anti bacterial over here :) I had a slight feeling something was brewing in her yesterday because of sneezing, a little runny nose, her mood, tiredness and clingy-ness. But, as of this morning all looks good...phew!

Anyway, Saturday the weather was crappy out all morning which I was kind of thankful for. Being outside on the nice days my household chores are slacking! Naptime just isn't cutting it. So Saturday morning I got my ass up and off the couch put the yucky cold symptoms aside for a bit and disinfected the two downstairs bathrooms. Mirrors, sinks, floors, toilets, you name it- germ free! That felt like a huge check off my to do list! The weather had cleared up just in time. When Rick got home from work we actually all got cleaned up and headed into town for a walk, some live music and a bite to eat.

27 week baby bump.

Sunday was spent at home with my lovies. Everyday is Mother's Day over here :) We enjoyed a bagel breakfast together with some fresh cut up fruit, Rick worked on the front porch a bit and I applied more than a fair share of sunscreen to Stella and outside we went. 

Our back deck that once consisted of tiki torches, margaritas, loud music and some sort of drinking game now looks like damn how things change ;)

Stella is such a water rat. Anything water related...and she is in her glory.

I live for this motherhood thing. I am so blessed that this little girl has made me a Momma. Any Momma can vow that being a mother is hard work, but it is the best damn work in the world. The love you get from them is like no other. I love her so much it hurts. 

On a nursery note the room is officially painted and we are waiting for a call for the carpet install. I found the perfect crib sheet on etsy along with a crib mate that I hope he will love forever. I am getting excited to see all of these little fun treasures put together in his room.

Happy Monday!

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Hose water, Skinned Knees and Sunshine

My lack of blogging lately is totally because of all of the time spent outside. Stella and I are outside all day long except for nap time. During that precious nap time I am busy getting dinner prepped, laundry done, walking my 30 min on the treadmill (if that energy is there that day), and getting other random things done around the house- guess blogging is not one of them ;)

Our days recently have consisted of soaking up the sun, endless play in the water table, blowing and trying to catch bubbles, drinking out of the hose (we can thank Rick for that one ;) ), the first of many many skinned knees, walking barefoot, infinity rides on the swing, and eating lots of popsicles and strawberry banana smoothies. Being outside all day really poops Stella out; and me for that matter. Come early evening, around after dinner time I begin to hit a wall. We eat dinner around 5:30-6ish, then Rick plays with Stella while I clean up and prepare his lunch for work the next day. Once that is done and the kitchen is cleaned and the lights are turned down low- I am spent. No more energy is left- time to wind down for the night. However, some of my favorite times are still left before my little babe goes in for the night. I am in awe at how she snuggles in next to me on the couch and gently rests her hand on my belly. I know her deep understanding of the fact that there is a little baby in my belly at the moment isn't quite there,  but it still melts my heart when we ask her where the baby is and she points to my belly and says "baba". Sappy me lives for moments like this. 

For that skinned knee- Rick and I were laughing later that night at what a drama queen we had on our hands. When she fell in the drive way, she whined a bit then got up and went back to what she was doing. Not a care in the world that her knee was scraped; as a matter if fact she didn't even know it was there. Not until later that night did she actually see her knee. That's when all of the drama kicked in. ALL night she pointed to her knee and cried "booboo". Like legit tears. I can't even count how many times Rick and I kissed that knee. 

At times I still think it is surreal that we will be adding another tiny bundle to our tribe. We are truly blessed. When I think about his arrival, I also think about all the other things that I would love to cross off my wish to do list before we meet him. A couple being I would love to have Stella potty trained, and transitioned into her toddler bed. I will just keep calling it my wish to do list! 

Off to the playroom since it is raining out. :)