Wednesday, January 22, 2014

What we have been up to lately...

Loving these baby blues
(and very envious of those long lashes)

Stella is really blossoming! Her personality is really beginning to show, which makes things more fun than ever. Here are some things that we have been up to...

Stella LOVES to be read to. When I show her a book, she gets so excited her arms flail, legs and feet kick uncontrollably and her face lights up! She actually sits through the entire book, and sometimes holds onto the book! So cute! Sometimes we read in the glider, sometimes in her anywhere chair and sometimes we read on her piano kick mat! I really want her to have a love for her mama :) Give me a good book, and a bitch beer and I am a happy camper.

Stella's reading center has so many good books...
Bookshelves built by Daddy!

Anywhere Chair from Potterybarn Kids. Wish they made one in my size!

 but some of our favorite books lately are...
On the Night You Were Born
The Going to Bed Book
I Love You Through and Through

EVERYTHING goes into the mouth! No teeth yet, but there is something in the works! I give her all the teethers that we have, but she would rather chew/suck on the ribbon of her soother or her blanket. It takes no time at all for them to become soggy and gross! As I prepare breakfast or dinner, she sits in her height chair and watches. Hopefully she is taking notes so one day she can cook Rick and I breakfast :)

She has discovered her toes! Her favorite yoga position is clearly 'happy baby'. Those too go into the mouth. Toe jam....yummy!

Now that she can hold her neck up for longer periods of time, all she wants to do is sit up like a big girl. We are loving her Bumbo chair! She fits perfectly next to Daddy on the couch! Daddy now has a new football buddy :)

She has been talking up a storm! I feel like we can have a complete conversation back and forth in baby talk. I just wish I knew what she and I were saying to each other.

Just a few recent pictures...
A Daughters first Love

It really is amazing how much she has changed in just 4 months. She fulfills each of my days with so much happiness and laughter. My love for her is endless...

It is so hard to believe that 4 months is right around the corner. 

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