Monday, January 6, 2014

Here she 'grows' again!!

3 Month Update

Each month I will write updates about Stella's growth, changes and highlights that have occurred. I will write them as if I am writing them to her in hope one day she will read them and enjoy them.

Weight: 12 lbs 4 oz
Height: a tall 22 ½ inches
Appetite: You have quite the appetite. You are eating about 4 ounces every 3 hours. Some days I feel like you can never get enough milk and all you do is eat, eat and eat!
Clothing Size: You have outgrown your newborn clothes, as well as some of your 0-3 months. You are now wearing your 3 month clothing, and some 3-6 month clothing.  You and I live in our pajamas during the day!!!
Milestones: Holding your neck up right has been a huge milestone this month! You are much more aware of your hands now and all you do is stare at them and lock your fingers together as if you are praying. You are much more alert and can easily follow objects with your eyes.
Special Outings: To the doctors 3 times. :( Unfortunately not many since you were sick.
Thoughts… Each day we love you more and more. I love so much being your mama. 
Our routine:  We are still trying to establish a set routine but are well on our way.  I am very lucky to be able to stay home with you.  Daddy leaves for work as you are still sleeping (some mornings you are awake). We begin our day around 7:30 in the morning. We spend a few minutes in bed waking up together and having a few giggles. We head right for the play mat to stretch out and have some playtime together. During this time, I have my morning coffee (with thin mint coffee mate...yummy)and make sure to give you your vitamins! You love your vitamins and take them like a champ! After about an hour- hour and a half of playtime, you are about ready for your morning nap! This is the longest nap of the day. As you sleep, this is when I get my house chores done for the day. Some days I even get my dinner prepped! You sleep until about noon! You wake up ravenous! You eat, and then we have more play time. We have been spending more time up in your room lately on your new piano mat and anywhere chair. We get cozy on the glider and read a book together and sing songs! You often find my songs silly and smile! You are then about ready for your afternoon nap around 3. You take about an hour nap in the afternoon. Sometimes you eat before you nap and sometimes you eat after your nap! When you awake, Daddy is home from work! We have been putting you I your height chair at the dinner table while we eat dinner. Yes, you have fallen asleep in your height chair!! I do give you a taste every now and then of something delicious! You do enjoy everything, which makes us believe you will be a great eater when you are able to eat solids! After dinner you get some special playtime with Daddy. Daddy and I bathe you every other night and begin our bedtime routine around 7:30p.m. We begin to quiet down, and turn down the lights. You eat again and begin to drift off to sweet dreams in either Daddy or I’s arms. We then place you in your bed and watch you sweetly sleep on the baby monitor!
Any big changes: You slept for your first 5 hour stretch this month even though it was only one night. You are still awaking every 2.5 to 3 hours to eat during the night. You also took your first nap in your crib!! Mama was so proud of you! 
Your favorites: Baby Einstein take along, lamby (you can thank Aunt Nikki for this one), Lazy Lamb on the ipad, your frozen teethers even though you’re not teething yet, and your blankets (you can’t sleep without one covering half of your face).  You LOVE when we sing Rudolph to you! You LOVE when we let you lick the inside of a grape or raspberry sorbet!
Mamas Favorites: all white cozy baby gap socks- they keep your feet cozy and warm and most importantly they stay on your tiny feet, my baby bjorn carrier-since I can't always find my own time to run on the treadmill, I had to improvise! Mama straps you on and we go for a nice long walk! You fall right asleep. I also love the carseat canopy- keeps you covered in your carseat!(from the wind, rain and especially people wanting to get up close and personal)

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