Thursday, January 16, 2014

Getting quite the dose of sleep regression!

Naps....what are those??

I was planning on doing a post about our mini fashionista but our sleep has taken quite the turn over here...and NOT for the better! The three to four month sleep regression has made it's debut! We are going from solid 3 hour naps twice a day to choppy naps during the day. Let me tell you....these choppy naps make for a much longer day! The more I read, I know this too will pass and its only a phase! Stella could be sound asleep in my arms, but the minute I place her in her crib (ok maybe 15 minutes later--even though it feels immediately) she is awake and playing in her crib. Let it be known, those pictures above of Stella are NOT of her sleeping, but of her kicking her legs and talking to herself. It's mainly the naps that have changed. Her sleep at night has been ok. Trying our best to stay consistent with bedtime, she has been fighting going down for the night but when she eventually falls asleep for the night she has been only waking once to eat! WooHoo! This makes for  a more rested mama!

After letting her play in her crib for a bit, and clearly she is not going to fall asleep; this is what Rick and I get when we go into her room to see her....

Now tell me that doesn't melt your heart! It makes me want to just scoop her up and cuddle some more. She is probably schmoozing us, (or not..who knows) but I remind myself she will only be this age once. Rick and I enjoy each smile she throws our way, even if she is a crankass. :)

Tips to surviving sleep regression: patience and Mikes Hard Mango Punch (yes, I have been into bitch beer lately, not sure when happened to me!) CHEERS!

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