Sunday, January 5, 2014

She is the reason for this blog...

    My bundle of joy was born on September 24, 2013. It is truly amazing how fast time flies. Part of me wishes I had started this blog during the first days of her precious life, but I am also glad I spent each and every special moment taking motherhood in. Words cannot explain how much I have enjoyed becoming a mama to this sweet little angel Stella. She has added a new light into my world. So many things change, but I can honestly say I wouldn't have things any other way. I am beginning this blog to document the journey and adventures I am about to embark as a new mama. Stella is now 3 months old and more alert and fun than ever. It is time to begin blogging to share each stepping stone of the way! You can count on reading, the 'sappy' moments a proud mama wants to share, monthly updates, recipes (one of my favorite rooms in my house...the kitchen), and the adventures our family will take!


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