Tuesday, January 7, 2014

New Year...New Lifestyle Changes

I was one of those who said when I have children, baby stuff will not take over my home! Well, it has !! And....I LOVE it!
I am a organizer, list maker, need to have it now freak! I wake up in the morning, feeling like I need to straighten up the living room and kitchen, vacuum (dog hair....ugh), get a load of laundry in, all in the first 5 minutes of waking up. Not anymore! The new year brings me new lifestyle changes! The cleaning will always be there and it is not going anywhere...unfortunately! I want to live in the moment and enjoy each moment while Stella is little. She will only be this age once and I don't want it to pass me by while I was folding a load of whites fresh out of the dryer. I will let the toy explosion in the living room stay just the way it is! Bring on the messes 2014!

This is just one room of many taken over by Stella's things!! :) I say it adds a nice splash of color..what do you think? 

Eleanor, our English bulldog, loves baking in the heat from the fireplace. She would probably jump in it if not for the glass casing. 

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