Friday, January 31, 2014

4 Months

4 Months

Weight: 13 lbs 11 oz
Height: a tall 24 ½ inches
Appetite: You are still a good eater! Your curiosity about food has spiked! When you see Daddy or I eat, you observe what we are eating and watch us chew. (sometimes I feel bad eating in front of you- if I’m holding you and go to put something in my mouth, you often open yours) If I’m eating fruit, I usually let you have a lick and you LOVE it, especially grapes, strawberries and pineapple. You are now eating 4-5 ounces at a time but still every 3-4 hours. You are a frequent, small meal eater. You are still nursing like a champ and taking bottles when needed!  On January 30, 2014 you ate your first oatmeal dinner, and you couldn't get enough! 
Clothing Size: You are still wearing your 3-6 month clothing! We spend a lot of time in our jammies- I feel like you outgrow these more quickly than your other clothing.
Milestones: You are sitting up great with little support! You have discovered your toes and love to put them (sometimes your whole foot) in your mouth! Teething is in the works! Drooling?! Forget about! Everything goes into the mouth! Your ability to focus on an object and grasp it is incredible! When in your Einstein, or play mat you can easily entertain yourself for periods of time (you often make loud playful screeches when playing with your toys all by yourself; got this on video) We introduced you to your first sippy cup! You did great! You got the hang of it rather quickly!
     Can we say “Miss Independent”? You are a girl that knows what she wants, wants it now and wants to do it on your own! When Daddy and I try to help you do something, you scream because you don’t always want our help!
Special Outings: We have been kind of house bound! With frigid cold temperatures this Winter we have been doing fun things inside! We started our new Sunday morning routine! 10:00 church service! You were mesmerized by the huge, beautiful chandelier, colored glass windows and the handful of ceiling fans! Daddy and I were shocked at how well you were! For the first 25 minutes of service you stood on my legs, offering smiles to anyone that smiled your way. Since it was nap time, you fell right asleep halfway through service and slept through all of the hymns and talking! That’s our girl! Looking forward to your christening, you are going to look beautiful!
Thoughts: I am loving being a Momma! I love watching you grow day to day.
Our routine:  Our routine has stayed pretty consistent since three months old. Still awake between 7 and 7:30 a.m. You awake to a morning feeding. You and I have playtime down on your play mat and try to squeeze in some tummy time. Yes, I often lay on your play mat with you. The view from your play mat looking up at the dangling toys is quite fascinating. You then sit in your height chair while I make breakfast and have my morning coffee. By 8:30ish you are ready for your morning nap. You nap in your crib for about 2 hours. It’s then time to eat and more playtime! If we need to run errands, this is the time that we run out! After rotating through both play mats, your bumbo chair, Einstein, and story time, it’s about time for your afternoon nap. You go down around 12:30-1ish and sleep for about an hour to an hour and a half. You awake to another feeding, and more playtime! I usually begin prepping dinner, as you sit in your height chair and watch! Daddy comes home from work and shortly after you are down for your evening nap. This is the nap that is iffy. Sometimes you even skip it. If you do nap, it is usually in your swing and it’s more of a catnap! You and Daddy have some playtime before we begin our bedtime routine. On bath nights, you get a bath and we begin to turn down the lights around 8-8:30. We make the house dark and quiet to show you that it is getting close to sleepy time. Lately you have been going down for the night around 10ish after your last feeding before bedtime!
Any big changes: You slept through the night!!!!!! Woohoo!! It was like pure heaven! I must have checked on you like 100 times! 
Your favorites: We have many of the same favorites as last month. You are enjoying story time more and more. I love watching your face light up when I hold a book up in front of you. Your teethers, sing along puppy, baby Einstein take along, and piano mat are all favorites of yours. You absolutely LOVE bath time! Not only do you love sucking on the soppy wash cloth, but you love splashing with your feet! You won’t be fitting in the sling of your bathtub much longer!

Momma’s Favorites: Oatmeal and TONS of water (trying to increase the boobie juice supply), the Boon Lawn drying rack- drying bottles and sippy cups can’t be easier, Dreft Baby detergent- love the smell of her freshly washed clothes and it gets out all the crap stains from the numerous blowouts that we have, headbands- not only do I love a baby in a matching headband but I enjoy making them for Stella. Lastly, jammies with zippers--makes for middle night diaper changes that much easier! 

Sitting all by herself in her Bumbo chair! When I first put her monkey slippers on her feet, she looked so confused and couldn't stop staring at them. Like a "what is on my feet?" kind of look. 
This girl is unbelievably flexible! Yup, that is her foot smooshing her cheek!
She literally "stuck her foot in her mouth"
Staring contest with Simba!

This is her expressing excitement! It is a bit blurry because her arms and legs were flailing! We call it Baby Bird! It looks like she is waiting for mama bird to drop worms into her mouth!
I will leave you with a few other pictures from her 4 month photo session :)
Love her so much!

Blue headband made by me :)

More about Stella's first oatmeal dinner with a side of breastmilk in a SIPPY CUP on the next post!
Sneek peak...

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

A Glance inside Stella's Closet...

Stella has quite the dream closet for a 4 month old. I always thought mini clothes were so damn cute, especially when it's something that I would wear! I find myself wishing they carried some of Stella's clothes in my size! Stella is currently wearing 3-6 month clothing. We all have favorites hanging in our closet that we always reach for; Stella is the same way. I thought I would share some of our everyday favorites. Since it has been such a cold winter, we have been living in our pajamas-not complaining about that at all--> we love being in our pajamas! 

Some items you will find in Stella's closet...
Baby gap: sweater striped one piece, flower printed top, Peter Pan sweater

Baby gap: just bought the heart bathing suit, and I LOVE it, heart chambray dress, terry sweatshirt, elbow patch striped dress, which she can wear with leggings as a shirt when she outgrows the dress

Baby gap: pink skinny cords, 1969 skinny denims, gray velour sweats

Stella's first pair of Minnetonka moccasins
I am eagerly waiting for shoes to fit her! Her size 1s and 0-3 month shoes still don't fit. We sock it every where we go!

As I said, we live in our pajamas. Stella seems to be outgrowing these more quickly than any of her other clothing.  We are always buying jammies! We love the thermal Jammie's because they don't have feet; and since they don't have feet she can wear socks that have grippies on the bottom. (Grippies are really helpful when you have a baby that likes to stand)
Her thermal jammies are Only one You made by Carters which we bought at Target. Carters- feety jammies

If this girl could wear no clothes all day, everyday she would. She loves being naked! When she is having a moment, we go forward with our plan of attack--- we strip her down for a little while,  immediately tears turn to smiles! 

A few new arrivals that I have my eye on...
Yes! I am loving the patriotic colors and the polka dots!

My little girl is 4 months old already and can we say "Miss Independent"? Much more about that in her upcoming 4 month post!

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

What we have been up to lately...

Loving these baby blues
(and very envious of those long lashes)

Stella is really blossoming! Her personality is really beginning to show, which makes things more fun than ever. Here are some things that we have been up to...

Stella LOVES to be read to. When I show her a book, she gets so excited her arms flail, legs and feet kick uncontrollably and her face lights up! She actually sits through the entire book, and sometimes holds onto the book! So cute! Sometimes we read in the glider, sometimes in her anywhere chair and sometimes we read on her piano kick mat! I really want her to have a love for her mama :) Give me a good book, and a bitch beer and I am a happy camper.

Stella's reading center has so many good books...
Bookshelves built by Daddy!

Anywhere Chair from Potterybarn Kids. Wish they made one in my size!

 but some of our favorite books lately are...
On the Night You Were Born
The Going to Bed Book
I Love You Through and Through

EVERYTHING goes into the mouth! No teeth yet, but there is something in the works! I give her all the teethers that we have, but she would rather chew/suck on the ribbon of her soother or her blanket. It takes no time at all for them to become soggy and gross! As I prepare breakfast or dinner, she sits in her height chair and watches. Hopefully she is taking notes so one day she can cook Rick and I breakfast :)

She has discovered her toes! Her favorite yoga position is clearly 'happy baby'. Those too go into the mouth. Toe jam....yummy!

Now that she can hold her neck up for longer periods of time, all she wants to do is sit up like a big girl. We are loving her Bumbo chair! She fits perfectly next to Daddy on the couch! Daddy now has a new football buddy :)

She has been talking up a storm! I feel like we can have a complete conversation back and forth in baby talk. I just wish I knew what she and I were saying to each other.

Just a few recent pictures...
A Daughters first Love

It really is amazing how much she has changed in just 4 months. She fulfills each of my days with so much happiness and laughter. My love for her is endless...

It is so hard to believe that 4 months is right around the corner. 

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Getting quite the dose of sleep regression!

Naps....what are those??

I was planning on doing a post about our mini fashionista but our sleep has taken quite the turn over here...and NOT for the better! The three to four month sleep regression has made it's debut! We are going from solid 3 hour naps twice a day to choppy naps during the day. Let me tell you....these choppy naps make for a much longer day! The more I read, I know this too will pass and its only a phase! Stella could be sound asleep in my arms, but the minute I place her in her crib (ok maybe 15 minutes later--even though it feels immediately) she is awake and playing in her crib. Let it be known, those pictures above of Stella are NOT of her sleeping, but of her kicking her legs and talking to herself. It's mainly the naps that have changed. Her sleep at night has been ok. Trying our best to stay consistent with bedtime, she has been fighting going down for the night but when she eventually falls asleep for the night she has been only waking once to eat! WooHoo! This makes for  a more rested mama!

After letting her play in her crib for a bit, and clearly she is not going to fall asleep; this is what Rick and I get when we go into her room to see her....

Now tell me that doesn't melt your heart! It makes me want to just scoop her up and cuddle some more. She is probably schmoozing us, (or not..who knows) but I remind myself she will only be this age once. Rick and I enjoy each smile she throws our way, even if she is a crankass. :)

Tips to surviving sleep regression: patience and Mikes Hard Mango Punch (yes, I have been into bitch beer lately, not sure when happened to me!) CHEERS!

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Napping Like a Rockstar

Now I know you are probably thinking 'she should not have that blanket in the crib' but when I say that I don't take my eye off of the monitor, I really don't take my eye off the monitor. This is a whole new ball game for her and I. Not only do I constantly watch the monitor, I am always checking on her. It's crazy how attached you get to always having her sleep by your side. Stella has been sleeping in the fisher price rock and play since she has been home from the hospital. As you may not know the  rock and play has the baby sleep at an incline. So when I would try to put her down for a nap in her crib, she would awake immediately. I was convinced it was because she was so used to sleeping at an incline. Time to improvise! Using the overwhelming amount of receiving blankets we have accumulated, I rolled them up to make a slight incline under her crib sheet. She is sleeping in her crib, but has the cozy feel of the rock and play which she is used to! As the days go by, I will take one blanket out at a time until she is sleeping flat in her crib! Brilliant...right?? Well, Stella thinks so because this big girl is taking two long naps in her crib daily! When I say long, I mean like 2 1/2 to 3 hours long! Can I say proud mama over here?? She goes down for her first nap at 9 in the morning and the second nap around 2:30-3:00ish. A well rested baby makes for a happy baby! As you can guess our next goal is to wean her off sleeping with her blanket. She loves her 'wooby'!!! The blanket puts her in a trans! We will be working on that next. We haven't done a full night in the crib yet, but that is in the near future. She is doing so great in her crib, I am hoping we have an easy transition for her night sleep as well. To be honest, I think I will have a harder time with the move than her. Having her right next to me through the night not only makes it easier for me to nurse her (I don't even have to get out of bed!) but it gives me a feeling of ease. 

Did I say how proud I am of her with her Rockstar sleeping habits in her crib?  Go Stella! 

Next post will be all about mini baby fashion! 

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

New Year...New Lifestyle Changes

I was one of those who said when I have children, baby stuff will not take over my home! Well, it has !! And....I LOVE it!
I am a organizer, list maker, need to have it now freak! I wake up in the morning, feeling like I need to straighten up the living room and kitchen, vacuum (dog hair....ugh), get a load of laundry in, all in the first 5 minutes of waking up. Not anymore! The new year brings me new lifestyle changes! The cleaning will always be there and it is not going anywhere...unfortunately! I want to live in the moment and enjoy each moment while Stella is little. She will only be this age once and I don't want it to pass me by while I was folding a load of whites fresh out of the dryer. I will let the toy explosion in the living room stay just the way it is! Bring on the messes 2014!

This is just one room of many taken over by Stella's things!! :) I say it adds a nice splash of color..what do you think? 

Eleanor, our English bulldog, loves baking in the heat from the fireplace. She would probably jump in it if not for the glass casing. 

Monday, January 6, 2014

Here she 'grows' again!!

3 Month Update

Each month I will write updates about Stella's growth, changes and highlights that have occurred. I will write them as if I am writing them to her in hope one day she will read them and enjoy them.

Weight: 12 lbs 4 oz
Height: a tall 22 ½ inches
Appetite: You have quite the appetite. You are eating about 4 ounces every 3 hours. Some days I feel like you can never get enough milk and all you do is eat, eat and eat!
Clothing Size: You have outgrown your newborn clothes, as well as some of your 0-3 months. You are now wearing your 3 month clothing, and some 3-6 month clothing.  You and I live in our pajamas during the day!!!
Milestones: Holding your neck up right has been a huge milestone this month! You are much more aware of your hands now and all you do is stare at them and lock your fingers together as if you are praying. You are much more alert and can easily follow objects with your eyes.
Special Outings: To the doctors 3 times. :( Unfortunately not many since you were sick.
Thoughts… Each day we love you more and more. I love so much being your mama. 
Our routine:  We are still trying to establish a set routine but are well on our way.  I am very lucky to be able to stay home with you.  Daddy leaves for work as you are still sleeping (some mornings you are awake). We begin our day around 7:30 in the morning. We spend a few minutes in bed waking up together and having a few giggles. We head right for the play mat to stretch out and have some playtime together. During this time, I have my morning coffee (with thin mint coffee mate...yummy)and make sure to give you your vitamins! You love your vitamins and take them like a champ! After about an hour- hour and a half of playtime, you are about ready for your morning nap! This is the longest nap of the day. As you sleep, this is when I get my house chores done for the day. Some days I even get my dinner prepped! You sleep until about noon! You wake up ravenous! You eat, and then we have more play time. We have been spending more time up in your room lately on your new piano mat and anywhere chair. We get cozy on the glider and read a book together and sing songs! You often find my songs silly and smile! You are then about ready for your afternoon nap around 3. You take about an hour nap in the afternoon. Sometimes you eat before you nap and sometimes you eat after your nap! When you awake, Daddy is home from work! We have been putting you I your height chair at the dinner table while we eat dinner. Yes, you have fallen asleep in your height chair!! I do give you a taste every now and then of something delicious! You do enjoy everything, which makes us believe you will be a great eater when you are able to eat solids! After dinner you get some special playtime with Daddy. Daddy and I bathe you every other night and begin our bedtime routine around 7:30p.m. We begin to quiet down, and turn down the lights. You eat again and begin to drift off to sweet dreams in either Daddy or I’s arms. We then place you in your bed and watch you sweetly sleep on the baby monitor!
Any big changes: You slept for your first 5 hour stretch this month even though it was only one night. You are still awaking every 2.5 to 3 hours to eat during the night. You also took your first nap in your crib!! Mama was so proud of you! 
Your favorites: Baby Einstein take along, lamby (you can thank Aunt Nikki for this one), Lazy Lamb on the ipad, your frozen teethers even though you’re not teething yet, and your blankets (you can’t sleep without one covering half of your face).  You LOVE when we sing Rudolph to you! You LOVE when we let you lick the inside of a grape or raspberry sorbet!
Mamas Favorites: all white cozy baby gap socks- they keep your feet cozy and warm and most importantly they stay on your tiny feet, my baby bjorn carrier-since I can't always find my own time to run on the treadmill, I had to improvise! Mama straps you on and we go for a nice long walk! You fall right asleep. I also love the carseat canopy- keeps you covered in your carseat!(from the wind, rain and especially people wanting to get up close and personal)

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Amazing how much can change in just one month....

Let's take a look back at Stella's past two months....

One Month

Two Months

She is the reason for this blog...

    My bundle of joy was born on September 24, 2013. It is truly amazing how fast time flies. Part of me wishes I had started this blog during the first days of her precious life, but I am also glad I spent each and every special moment taking motherhood in. Words cannot explain how much I have enjoyed becoming a mama to this sweet little angel Stella. She has added a new light into my world. So many things change, but I can honestly say I wouldn't have things any other way. I am beginning this blog to document the journey and adventures I am about to embark as a new mama. Stella is now 3 months old and more alert and fun than ever. It is time to begin blogging to share each stepping stone of the way! You can count on reading, the 'sappy' moments a proud mama wants to share, monthly updates, recipes (one of my favorite rooms in my house...the kitchen), and the adventures our family will take!