Friday, April 22, 2016

Lately...and some chick talk.

I knew there was a huge reason why I loved this Spring weather so much. Being outside all day poops the kids and me out and both have been in bed on time if not early every night-me included. It's literally been dinner, bath and bed for Ricky and shortly after Stella. I haven't been cleaning the kitchen until baths are done. Lately we have been busy taking care of chicks which are growing so fast, having lunch outside picnic style, going on park adventures, walking on the towpath, and hangin' in the hammock every chance we get. Hence the reason why I have not sat down to blog. Stella's number one requested song these days is Shake It Off by 'Taylor Fift' and shakes her butt like wild when it's on. Just had to throw that in there. We some days bring our kitchen dance parties outside on the deck...the neighbors must love it!

 Life with chicks's been a great experience thus far and Stella absolutely loves them. She wants to constantly take them out, feed them and she can seriously just stand outside their pen and watch them for a while. Since they are getting big, their eating and drinking is beginning to slow down a bit. We were filling their food container three times a day and now we fill it twice. We also had to take them out of the big plastic tote that we had them in because they began to jump out even after we placed a screen on top. feisty little things :) We know have them in a large pen down in the basement which works out much better. They have much more room to run and flap around. On warm days, we take them outside to get some sunshine and to begin to adapt to the outdoors. Rick also built the coop last weekend. We still need to build the run in and put together the PVC piping feed and water system. ha, when I say we I really mean Rick ;) We put them in the coop for a few minutes too see how they liked it...and they did! They immediately began pecking the ground for yummy bugs! They are growing more and more feathers each day- some are light feathered and some are dark with a few in between. I personally think that they are in that ugly adolescent stage. We plan on having them in the house for roughly another 2.5 to 3 weeks and then they are outside!!

the color is horrible in this clip and two pictures but it is because of the brooder lamp above them. 

and it's officially time to kick off the weekend! 

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