Friday, April 15, 2016

A Day in the Life Of: two kids, six chicks, and lots of coffee and wine

My kids have always been early risers. I swear they like to rise with the sun. Ricky sometimes thinks 5:00 a.m is a good wake up time and Momma shuts that down! If he does wake that early I will usually feed him and he will go back to sleep for a bit. Both kids seem to wake around 6:30ish; always only minutes apart- Ricky is always first. We spend the first half hour to an hour in Rick and I's bed. We snuggle up, watch an episode of Mickey and both kids have an early morning snack and a cup of milk and I have my first cup of coffee. Yes! Ricky is finally drinking milk out of a cup. i did write about this accomplishment in his last monthly update :) Ricky gets a small bowl of cheerios and eats every damn one of them, except for the one I will feel sticking to my leg tonight when I go to sleep and then reaches for Stella's strawberry pop tart. 

Around 7/7:30 we make our way into the kitchen and playroom. Stella makes a bee line for her Elsa dress and turns on Let It Go, repeat! Ricky cruises around in his walker while I usually empty the dishwasher for the day and begin preparing breakfast. so when can kids begin properly emptying the dishwasher because I seriously think it's the worst chore ever!! I am usually pouring my second cup of coffee about now....and trying to listen to the news over Stella's Let It Go. 

After breakfast Stella and I clean out the chicks bed, food and water. They are getting so big so fast. They are harder to catch and pick up by the day. After that is done we sit and play on the playroom floor until Ricky's morning nap. If him and Stella are playing with each other, I will usually bring a basket of clean laundry over and fold it while I sit with them. ha! the life of multi tasking. Ricky goes down for his morning nap around 9ish. Shower time! This is pretty much the only time I find it semi-easy to shower during the day. Stella hangs on he bathroom floor and plays on the iPad while I shower, put on a quick face and dry my hair if it was a washing the hair day. If I have any left over time, I scramble to get a few quick chores done before he wakes up while Stella plays quietly. I usually get half of a bathroom cleaned and finish the other half later in the day. Ricky is a light sleeper, so I try to have Stella play with something quietly. If we have errands to run or play dates I get Stella ready for the day at this time as well. Currently she has an obsession with putting pretend make up on, and choosing a scarf from my closet to wear for the day. 

Once he wakes up I feed him and get him dressed for the day. We run our errands, have play dates or head to the towpath for a walk and some fresh air...and coffee :)  I always try to get home in time for lunch. If these two don't eat- they get a serious case of 'hangry'! We all eat lunch and have some playtime either in the playroom or back outside. Ricky goes down for his afternoon nap around 1:30ish. Once again if the house stays quiet he will usually get a good nap in. I take Stella outside to blow bubbles, hang in the hammock, go on the swings or play in the sand table. I may have persuaded her into thinking picking weeds was a fun game ;)   Stella's naps are not every day anymore. Some days if I see she can use a nap I put her down and the girl will sleep for 3 hours. Other days she doesn't take a nap and would rather play. 

When Ricky wakes up he eats again and I usually give them both a snack. He will either snack on some diced up fruit like pears or bananas or I will fill his mesh teether with some frozen fruit. Stella's go to snack at the moment are string cheese, eating strawberries whole while holding the leaves, prunes or yogurt. We will all have play time together and wait for Rick to get home. Sometimes we will smoosh on the hammock, play outside in the grass, or dance around to some Zac Brown Band. When Rick calls to say that he is on his way home is usually when I begin to think that it's 5 o'clock somewhere :) 

Some days Ricky goes down for a catnap around 5ish which works because than I can cook dinner without having to entertain a baby. If he doesn't take a nap I begin to prep and cook my dinner during this time and give him something to munch on in his highchair. Rick gets home and takes a shower and dinner is around 5:30/6. For some reason dinner is always a chaotic time around these parts! Everybody wants their dinner at the exact same time and Momma just wants another sip of her wine. 

Rick takes the kiddies in the other room to play while I clean up the kitchen for the night. While cleaning up the kitchen I prepare the coffee machine to auto-brew for the next morning, thank god for auto-brew, and pack Rick's lunch. Once the kitchen is done we head upstairs for scrub-a-dub-dub two kids in the tub. We have a few minutes of quiet play time in Ricky's room as both get their jammies on. Rick takes Stella downstairs as I feed Ricky and put him to bed for the night- NO later than 7:30p.m. One of us takes Stella up around 8:30/9. 

ahhh..Mommy and Daddy time. I slouch my ass on the couch, cold beer in my hand and if I am lucky and have the energy I put a coat of polish on my nails. Rick and I usually hang for a bit on the couch before turning in for the night. or on weekends play a round of table top beer pong, Ha!

And then at 6:30 a.m, I do it all over again :)

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