Friday, April 8, 2016

Happy 8 Months Ricky

Dear Ricky,
Okay, so I clearly can't freeze time and keep you my baby boy forever...but can I please keep these baby rolls? Mommy is so in love with them. And your giggle is oh so contagious. No body makes you laugh more than Stella does. I look at you and how much you adore Stella and I can't help but feel so proud. And they way you look at me.... I have no words Ricky. You are the sweetest little boy. I love you so so much. My arms will always be wide open for matter how big you are. Because I am your mommy and because you are my sweet little boy. I love you as many waves as there are in the ocean. 

Weight: our home scale weighed you in at 21 lbs 2 oz
Head Circumference: Not sure, but we will find out at your next appointment which will be next month. 
Appetite:  Appetite? Now that is speaking your language. You love food. Simple as that. If someone else has food near you, you are reaching with all your might to get your sticky fingers on it! We are till trying to win this no milk in a bottle or sippy cup shenanigans! At this point, we tossed the bottles and are focusing on the sippy cup. And we have made small progress. First thing in the morning when you and Stella come down, we all snuggle and watch a cartoon in Mommy and Daddy's bed. Stella always has a cup of milk and at times you would reach for it. One day last weekend Daddy told me to pump instead of nurse you for your morning milk fix. So I did. We figured if you were so interested in Stella's milk, maybe you would like having your own. Well since that day, we have not turned back. I have began pumping your morning milk and putting it in a sippy cup. You have yet to drink all of it like you would do if you were to nurse. Starting at 2 of the 6 ounces, you have drank a little bit more each day. You even hold the cup all by yourself! You still nurse about 4 times a day- 11ish, 3ish, before you go to bed and some nights around 1:30/2ish. Breakfast is around 8 and is usually 1 or 2 fruits with a little bit of multi grain cereal, and a handful of cheerios. Lunch is around noon and lately has been cottage cheese with prunes and half a slice of multigrain bread and dinner is a protein and 1 or 2 veggies, a squirt of prunes and shredded mozzarella on your tray. You can't shovel that cheese in fast enough. Dinner clean up and just gotten crazy!! A few new foods that you have tried are; roasted red peppers, NY strip steak pureed with sweet potato and cheerios!

Clothing Size: You are currently wearing 6-12, 12-18 month clothing and you are in size 4 diapers. Stella stills wears a diaper at night time, and you both are in the same size diaper!! 
Milestones: You are doing great picking up food and putting it in your mouth. We notice that you definitely favor your left hand lately. Even if we put the food all the way to the right of your tray, you will reach across using your left hand. Your sitting up skills continue to get even better say Dada AND Mama now! You are also beginning to lean forward far enough to fall on your belly. 
Our routine:  Wake up has been around 6:30. We usually snuggle, play, have a cup of milk and watch a cartoon in Mommy and Daddy's bed with Stella for a short bit before we make our way into the kitchen and eat breakfast together at the table. After breakfast which is 8ish we all play or you like to cruise around in your walker while I either fold laundry or get some house crap done. You also love to play on the floor with Stella, jump in the Einstein or stretch it out on your kick mat. You usually go down for your first nap around 9:30ish. This nap is usually about an hour. If we have any plans or errands to run we usually do so after this nap because you are freshly fed since you nurse when you wake.  Lunch is around noon. And then more play. We usually do a toy rotation for the afternoon to keep the play fresh ;) Your second nap is around 1:30/2ish.  You nurse again after you wake up from your afternoon nap and play some more. Dinner is around 5:30/6ish. We all eat at the dinner table together. You get in some Daddy play time after dinner and we have been having most of our baths right before bed in order to try and relax you before settling down into sleep. You nurse once more before you go to bed which is NO later than 7:30. 

Your favorites: Some of your favorites at the moments are:

They have pretty much stayed the same as last month, but we did add a few :)
1. cruising in your walker and running into our ankles!! OUCH!
2. being naked.
3. tubby time with Stella.
4.  Food. :) Cheerios seem to be your jam lately. 
5. to stand when someone holds your hands.
6. The Hot Dog song from Mickey Mouse Clubhouse
7. Your blankies
8. grabbing at your sister's face and hair

and things you don't like:
getting dressed!

These giggles steal my heart...

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