Thursday, February 5, 2015


Oh this girl...

She is definitely learning right from wrong and knows when she is doing something that she shouldn't be doing; like jumping off of her anywhere chair. When she first started standing up in it, Rick or I would look right at her and say "sit!" or "bad!" Well now she doesn't just stand in it, she purposefully, while looking right at us, jumps off it and laughs. That's not all. After she jumps off of her chair and stands back up she hits her belly and yells "Baa!"

Or when she sees Ellie licking her paws incessantly, which we try not to let her do, she yells at Ellie "Nanana!" for No No! Of course she has that pointer finger gesturing along with No No. alway helping Momma out ;)

Stella loves feeding Ellie breakfast and dinner. If she happens to hear Rick or I opening Ellie's food container she runs over to help. She loves to spin open the container, scoop up the food, dump the food in the bowl and loves to place the bowl on Ellie's mat. As she is putting her food down, she looks at Ellie and says "eeees" for easy! Ellie is like a bulldozer when it's feeding time. She doesn't realize how strong she is sometimes and dozes her way right in and knocks Stella down.

We are still feeding the deer every night. Since our yard is snow covered we feed them in the driveway. Stella likes to watch out the window for them to come. When she sees them eating she says "deees" and "shhh" with her finger over her lips. So damn cute.

Bathtime falls nothing short of a wet mess.  I am surprised Ellie hasn't ended up in the bathtub with Stella yet. Sometimes she stands on the edge of the tub and leans so far over to try and drink the water we think she is going to dive in head first. Ellie does try to catch every drop possible that makes it's way out of the tub. i swear her water bowl has water. This short video clip sums it up....(Stella's laugh kills me).

Our playroom chalkboard lately...

Off to give a new pancake recipe a try. These flourless apple pie pancakes. Stella and I have been on the Honeycrisp apple band wagon these days so I think these are really going to hit the spot for breakfast. And my coffee grinder worked perfect to turn the old fashioned rolled oats into oat flour ;)

Hope your day is less crazy than this crazy morning bed head...

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