Thursday, February 19, 2015

Who Needs a Bonfire?

We have been making the most out of being kind of housebound. Lately it's just been because it is too damn cold. Like single digit temps! I feel bad taking Stella out because the wind practically takes her breath away when it hits her in the face. So if the trip out isn't necessary, then inside we have been staying.

Rick had off Monday and it was nice having an extra day to spend together. He collected a few sticks from the snow covered yard and brought them inside.

Yes we did! We roasted s'mores in the woodstove and they were soo good! I was shocked that Stella didn't dig them like I did. ha! more for me :) Totally guilty of keeping those sticks on the mantle and using those suckers for a quick treat during the day. S'mores for lunch? Yes, please!

The bursts of independent playtime change from day to day. Some days I find her playing by herself more and others she wants a play buddy all day. During those independent spurts I try to get little things done around the house. Like a quick swifter of the kitchen floor, fold a load of laundry or do some prep work for my dinner such as chop my veggies and store them in a ziplock in the fridge until dinner time. I am sometimes surprised at how much I can get done during those independent play days. And on the needy days my kitchen floors remain dirty, dishes sometimes wait in the sink or that load of laundry will need be to be tumbled later that day before getting folded. But, I am truly thankful for both kinds of days.

And you're not cool unless you wear a diaper on your head... :)

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