Monday, February 9, 2015

a Hodgepodge of Thoughts

I am so going to blame my lack of blogging on having too much toddler fun lately. Stella is such a character these days and I am loving every minute of it. We keep adding new additions to the playroom to keep it new and fresh. This wooden cupcake set is just perfect. not the real thing, but pretty damn close ;) In this set came 4 wooden cupcakes, 4 interchangeable icing colors, 4 velcro candles, 3 icing tubes which are really erasable markers, the cupcake tray, a bunch of cupcake paper liners and the cutest damn oven mitt. now she can stop taking my oven mitts when i am cooking :) The fact that you can decorate the icing and wipe it off to do it again it adorable! So let's just say we have been baking up a cupcake storm Stella's kitchen. I like eating her cupcakes, i don't seem to be gaining any weight from them haha!

I think in my last post I mentioned that Stella and I were going to try flourless apple pie pancakes for breakfast. Well we did and they were sooo good! Stella woofed them down, and I'd be lieing if I said I did otherwise. I topped them with greek yogurt, apple slices and drizzled them with honey...perfection. I (and Stella) am such a snob when it comes to apples...only Honeycrisp. They are the best apple for everything. They made these pancakes! :)

If Stella is not wearing a crown, she is wearing a headband. This girl loves to have something on her head. This is a new favorite. If it keeps the hair out of her eyes, I am a happy camper!

I can't even begin to explain how much I am itching for nice weather. I can't wait to get back outside for our morning walks-i miss them so so much, take trips to the park, take walks to the new juice bar in town or walk to the post office or market instead of driving. Driving is so overrated! 

Ahhh...a morning walk in our jammies with the sunshine shining...feels like eternities ago...

Happy Monday! Yep! We are preheating the oven for some fresh, gooey chocolate chunk cookies ;)

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