Monday, July 25, 2016

Summatime Snackin'

My goodness I can remember last year when Stella would walk to the pantry and yell "Nack!" Now she is making snack requests on the double :) I love Summer time snacking much more than the other seasons. I still loooove the feeling when our pantry is freshly stocked and full; but being able to snack out of the fridge and freezer win! 9 times out of 10, the snack is way healthier. okay, except for all the chocolate chip cookie dough Haagen-Daz containers currently in the freezer ;) When those bad boys go on sale, you just gotta stock up! We usually do our weekly food shop at the beginning of each week and then do a fresh fruit and/or veggie restock halfway through the week. Not because the fruit goes bad, because we eat it that damn fast. I honestly think half of my grocery bill is produce and black licorice Twizzlers- they have been a preggo craving every single pregnancy! Except this time around, there is a little toddler who likes to dig into my stash ;) Seriously what toddler likes black candy??!! 

We definitely have a list of current Summatime snackin' favs around here that seem to make it onto our weekly grocery list every single week! Totally guilty of not heatin' up the oven for some fresh baked goodies lately. Truth is every now and then nothing beats a hot fresh gooey chocolate ship cookie straight out of the oven; but with these hot ass days we head straight for the cold shit!

Here are our current no specific order:

I'd say this is eaten on the daily here. Chobani Plain Greek yogurt with Bare Naked granola, honey and fresh fruit. In this case mango! We go through sooooo much honey! 

We gave these Dole Dippers a shot and have been hooked! Both the banana and strawberry ones are the Stella definitely prefers the strawberries over the bananas. But they are frozen, sweet and low cal- great for a late night snack for the preggo over here ;)

The kiddies love these and I love that they are all fresh fruit! Along with watermelon, I think these or any ice pop for that matter are best eating poolside or in the pool! 

I have mentioned both watermelon and fruit smoothies a million times here on my little blog. Both are staples here. Stella's smoothie requests usually call for the color to be pink! Even with the strawberries and raspberries, she has no clue the spinach that Momma put in there! Toddler and Mommy approved! 

Stella calls this the 'new' ice cream. We definitely indulge in a few ice cream cones around here topped with sprinkles of course! I gave this a whirl since it is a healthier version. Seriously only 150 calories for the entire pint! To be totally honest it is NO WHERE near as good as your typical creamy ice cream but it satisfies that ice cream craving :) Stella got to it before I did and put a pretty good dent in it. Not sure if she actually LIKES it or if she just likes the idea that it is new and Mommy's ;)

My two have pretty good palates and most of the time appetites when it comes to our three main meals. But these littles sure do like their Summatime snackin'!! As do i!!

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