Monday, July 18, 2016

Summer So Far

Summer so far has been...HOT! that is truly the best word to describe the Summer so far. Besides fun :) We have been outside as much as we can while staying cool inside to avoid some of the humidity. Summer has consisted of lots of pool time on the deck...Stella thinks it is completely necessary to fill all 3 pools each day! nuttin' like a lil pool hoppin' Pool days are full off not frosty margs at the moment-that's for sure ice pops, watermelon and fruit smoothies. Stella loves the water. If she isn't in the pool or her water table, she is trying catch the water coming out of the sprinkler. 

Summer also means lots of sunscreen which calls for daily evening baths. These two love bath time. So really it's a win win! I think there is nothing better than fresh bathed babes in clean jammies...that go to sleep niiiiice and early! okay...I seriously feel like I have said that a million times!!

We continue to take trips to the park with lots of ice water packed in a lunchbox to stay hydrated. We try and go early before the sun heats up the slides. Those suckers get effing hot! We usually find ourselves driving to the local ice cream joint for an ice cream cone after to cool us off ;) and I then usually find myself carrying sometimes one sometimes two babies up to their beds because they passed out in the truck on the way home. 

Ohh...yea, how can I forget? Eating outside is totally winning!! in my book. Clean up is so much easier- no sweeping and no vacuuming up thousands and thousands of crumbs. Also because some almost one year old thinks it's funny to either take a bite or drink and blow raspberries with a mouth full to give everyone sitting around him a shower!! 

All in all Summer so far has been a blast with these two! In other news we found out that the next Little Lykes is another....BOY!! We couldn't be more excited! I had a feeling up until about a week before our doctor appointment that it was going to be a boy. The day of the scan I was split right down the middle. Baby boy wasn't shy about hiding his junk AT ALL, as soon as the tech put the gel on my belly and placed the wand (not sure of the actual device name) on the gel, the very first picture of the baby that came up on the screen was a clear shot of the baby spread eagle!! it was quite a funny moment. He definitely didn't leave us hanging.... 

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