Monday, December 28, 2015

Christmas Weekend 2015

Another year, another wonderful Christmas...probably the most magical yet! It was full of family, friends, good food, and festive tunes. Our Christmas festivities began Christmas eve. Santa still had some wrapping to do, there were a few good kitchen dance parties while jamming out to holiday jams, and baking to be done. Except our oven decided to put a wrench in our plan and not work! just our luck!! Didn't stop us from packing up our baking essentials, and our cookie dough and heading over to Gammy's to bake our yummy cookies. After all Santa needed some homemade cookies...until we got home that night and realized we had forgot them! good thing we had other store bought cookies in the house.

It was so much fun playing Santa this year. "Are the kids sleeping? Okay you eat the cookies and drink the milk and I'll go munch on the carrots!" 
Christmas morning was just perfect. Stella ran to the back door to see if the reindeer ate the carrots and then to the cookies and milk to find an empty plate with nothing but sprinkles and an empty mason jar just tinted with milk residue left behind. The rest of the morning was spent opening presents and drinking mimosas. 

Rick and I always said once we had littles all the Christmas day traveling would come to a halt and I'm so glad that we all, mostly the kiddies got to spend Christmas day in their jammies (princess tutus and crowns for Stella) , playing with all their new goodies. My parents and brothers came over for Christmas brunch and Rick's parents and sister came over for Christmas dinner. No oven? No problem. Deep Fried turkey! It was goooo-oood! It was such a great day. 

Santa brought Stella a SollyDolly wrap for her baby. Now we can match and she can also be hands free while we clean ;)

These two stayed up way past their bedtime, ate way too many goodies (Stella did at least ;)),  and had such a great Christmas weekend. I am so sad that all the holiday fun is over. Now we just have to figure out how we are going to get this tree out of the house. I am sure I will be finding needles from this tree until the next Christmas!

Merry Christmas 2015!

and merry Christmas sweet angel...I have been watching your lights twinkle each night on your tree.

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