Tuesday, December 15, 2015

A New Update and Other Thoughts

Right after I wrote Ricky's 4 month update I feel like so much changed in those few days following. We also had his 4 month doctor appointment and learned of his new stats :) Over all my baby boy is still as healthy as can be...and chubby as can be :) Ricky is now 4 and a half months and weighing in at 17 lbs 9 ounces and is in the 80th percentile. He is 25 1/2 inches tall and is in the 50th percentile for height. And his head circumference? 100th percentile baby...must be that big brain in there!

I began putting Ricky in his crib for his naps and found him to be very comfortable in it. With no preparation or thought before, one night I just decided it was time to give the night a try. So I followed our same nighttime routine, except I placed him in his crib instead of the rock and play. I honestly forgot how hard it was and what an adjustment it is. It was clearly much harder for me than it was for him. I remember laying in bed, just staring at his empty rock and play practically in tears. i feel like i just brought him home from the hospital and he is already sleeping in his crib. The first handful of nights I got little no sleep; I stared at the monitor and worried. those few steps between us felt like miles and miles. The nights have been going great. I am beginning to sleep, and he is sleeping soundly. He is now going to bed around 8p.m after his last feeding for the night. He was waking around 1 a.m for his feeding and going right back to sleep once placed in his crib and swaddled tightly. I really wasn't going to share this because I think I am going to jinx myself, but the last two nights Ricky slept through the night. 8 1/2 hours Sunday night and 10 1/2 hours last night; he fell asleep at 8:30 and didn't wake until 7:00a.m!  I am still a firm believer of a consistent bedtime routine and lots of love before bedtime! So, crib-check!

Ricky has found his voice, and it is so damn cute! He makes these loud screech noises and the facial expressions that go along with them are priceless. Ricky also rolled over from his belly to his back. All of these milestones make me feel so proud. But to be completely truthful, my favorite milestone thus far is the eye contact that he gives me and the smiles that follow. his way of telling me that he loves me. 

A few other thoughts...

Stella's words- "Daddy, I go peepee in my undies Mommy says No No; Mommy pissed!" i guess i really need to stop talking under my breath because someone has really good hearing! 

It really warms my heart that such simple things like wearing her towel like Mommy does are enough to make her little day. It doesn't take much to make her happy. Sitting her on the bathroom counter while I put my make up on and applying a little blush to her little cheeks, pouring a little of my fenugreek tea in another tea mug just for her and sipping it together, wearing my shoes, are all free things that feel like a million dollars to her. She feels rich and I am able to make her feel rich with these simple things. I try my best to make her little day every single day. 

10 days until CRIMAS! As Stella would say!

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