Monday, December 21, 2015

New Happenings

Christmas week is upon us! It is so easy to get caught up in all of the exciting Holiday happenings. We have definitely been busy over here filling our house with Christmas magic and doing everything festive! We finally made a batch of our holiday trail mix, had our annual Christmas party with some good ole' fashion white elephant, and my shopping is officially done! Rick and I were even able to squeeze in a round of National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation drinking game since both kiddies napped in sync yesterday! Now that's a kick ass Sunday Funday! The movie alone is a classic but throw on some funny rules and grab a nice cold brewsky- that's clutch!

The National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation drinking game Rules:

1. Drink every time Ellen calls Clark “Sparky”

2. Drink whenever someone is wearing an ugly Christmas sweater

3. Drink whenever someone mentions Clark’s Christmas bonus or the swimming pool.

4. Drink any time Clark has an awkward moment.

5. Drink whenever Clark is wearing sports-themed clothing.

6. Drink any time someone refers to Rusty as “Rus.”  Take two drinks if they have to yell it.

7. Drink whenever Clark endangers himself and/or others in the pursuit of the perfect Christmas.

8. Drink any time Clark has “crazy eyes.”

9. Drink every time an advent calendar is opened.

10.  Drink any time the Griswold’s neighbors complain.

11. Drink any time someone or an animal messes with the Christmas tree.

12. Drink any time cousin Eddie says something weird.

13. Drink every time Aunt Bethany speaks or sings or just…appears…

But, on a not holiday note here is a quick update on more general happenings:

As I said before Ricky is now sleeping in his crib at night. We had a good solid 5 nights where he had his last feeding at 8:00ish and went right to sleep in his crib and even slept through the night. I was in heaven! Apparently, he didn't want me to get too cozy in my bed because we are back to waking up one to two times a night and not just for a put the soothie back in the mouth but for a feeding! He is ravenous, practically acts like he hasn't eaten in ages! The teething is also in full force- the gumming, chewing his hands and drool have made their arrival and are mostly likely here to stay for awhile! I learned at his last doctor appt that it takes a tooth on average 2 months to move from the bottom of the gums to the tippy top of the gums. Ugh! Some of Ricky's favorites lately are the bright colors of Mickey, bright colors in the books that we read, the books get him all giddy, and bath time is a hit with both of them. I love bathing them together, until Stella freaks because Ricky pees in the tub! There is just something about freshly bathed babies that makes me want to snuggle and cuddle them like somethin' fierce. Not sure if Ricky was blessed with my dry skin or if it may be from his dairy intolerance but I gave this new Shea Moisture lotion a try and I am absolutely obsessed with it. It makes even his driest patches feel so soft and silky and the smell?? Sooo good! I have also started using it on Stella. Time to stock up on it!

Stella has been sleeping in our bed for some of the night for the past two nights. It is so sad when your babe wakes up in a panic from a bad dream. One minute she is sleeping soundly and the next she is awake screaming "no no no!" with arms flailing. I literally shot up out of bed and ran up those stairs as fast and I could. Once she wrapped her arms around me so tight I knew I was bringing her down to sleep next to me. i know what it's like trying to fall asleep after having a bad dream. Stella tells me all the time what a good Mommy she is to her baby. She takes care of her baby doll all day. i have lost count how many times a day I dress baby after she undresses her to change her poopy diaper. She puts her night night, tells me to be quiet because she is sleeping and to tip toe around the house, and tries to nurse her baby like mommy does to ricky when she wakes up. She doesn't miss a beat. Since the temps are weirdly warm, we are wearing our warm cozies inside instead. House coats, snow hats and slippers for the win! 

and let me end by saying..."I swear every new article of clothing that I wash and put Ricky in, he has to blow out his diaper to christen it!" 

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