Friday, December 11, 2015

Our Santa Visit

We went to visit Santa yesterday. All morning, as well as the ride to the mall Stella and I chatted about how she was going to tell him about Tinsel her elf and what kind of presents she wanted for Christmas. Things were great as we strolled into the mall- still chatting about how excited we were to see Santa. I could see from a distance that there was no line- not a single person! I pushed the stroller onto the green turf where Santa was sitting. As soon as I unbuckled Stella and took her out of her seat- the meltdown began! I mean full on sobbing trying to escape my arms! I saw the complete fear in her eyes. I proceeded to unbuckle Ricky and handed him to Santa to show Stella he was nice and gentle and that Ricky wasn't crying. Ricky could care less. I tried to hold Stella myself and sat in the first picture with her, still didn't help the situation at all. I didn't feel any pressure to buy the pictures...they were not was I was hoping and I wanted both kids in it. So I took both kids out and was going to call it quits. However, I decided to give it another try. I knelt down to Stella and had a little chat with her about how she needed to tell Santa what she wanted or else he wouldn't know what to bring her. I asked her if she would sit next to him and take one picture for me. there may have been a little bribe in there somewhere ;)  So we headed back to see Santa for round two. This was the best shot! I'll take it! All in all, it was a pretty traumatizing day for little miss Stella. :) 

As far Tinsel our Elf, she has made it back from the North Pole to our home every single morning! To see how excited Stella gets each morning to find her, makes it all worth it. One of the first things out her mouth in the morning is "I find Tinsel". Totally not going to lie- I am usually doing my Tinsel work in the a.m. before she wakes up. Stella also knows and understands not to touch her because she is magical! Each year just gets more and more fun around here!

We also made our gingerbread house that Tinsel brought Stella and we baked a batch of holiday cupcakes. Stella loves to put the sprinkles on them. 

I said in a previous post that Stella sings holiday songs all day, everyday! Here are a few short clips. Santa may or may not have gotten her a karaoke machine :) And Santa may or may not regret that one day..haha

Just two weeks left until Christmas!

totally off topic...but those yummy baby thighs! 

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