Tuesday, August 18, 2015

What Our Days Look Like These Days

So the house isn't as tidy these days...I find myself looking down more as I walk around because there are toys everywhere! Laundry piles are a bit bigger than they were, dishes can be found in my sink more often then not; but life with these two couldn't be better. Truth be told, there have been a handful of days in the past two weeks that maybe too much Mickey was on the TV, and we were still in our jammies when Rick got home. However, I feel we are really starting to find our groove and are following some sort of routine. Ricky and I awake around 7 and I feed him while I watch the morning news and sip on my morning cup of coffee. When Stella awakes, I bring Ricky up to her room when I get her and the smile on her face is just priceless! "morning Ricky!!"  We make our way downstairs and sit at the kitchen table, Ricky in his bounce chair, and Stella and I eat breakfast. Another truth be told- not ALL mornings look like this- so we end up eating breakfast in the living room. We then head into the playroom or living room for some playtime. Ricky usually falls back asleep at this time so Stella and I sit in the playroom and play together. If he is still awake we all congregate around his playmate- Stella looooves when he is on his playmate because he is at her level. 

When Ricky eats around 10ish, Stella sometimes amuses herself in her playroom, will watch an episode of Mickey or she will it next to me and we will read a few books. 

Shower time for me....haha! Well, let's see.... as I shower Ricky is in his bounce chair sleeping because of the soothing sound of the fan and running water and Stella is sitting on the ipad in the bathroom.  Privacy for me? Nada! Half of my showers I usually bring Stella in with me because it is just quicker than sticking her in the tub.  And on the days that we get dressed, even on some days that i know we aren't going out we get dressed just to keep my sanity, both kiddies lay side by side and get dressed. On days that we are dressed I just feel more accomplished. :)

Ricky has two favorite, actually three favorite activities these days:
1. eating
2. sleeping
3. being held until he eats again- Stella enjoyed sitting/sleeping in her swing and bounce chair way more then Ricky does. Ricky loves to be held. He doesn't last very long in either, so I find myself wearing him alot of the time in my sollybaby wrap. The minute I put him in it, he is out like a light! 

If we run out, it's usually a quick trip because of Ricky's feeding schedule. He is eating about every 3 hours. And we usually make our outing in the a.m. after his 10ish feeding. immediately after, to allow for as much time out as possible :)

Lunch is pretty much the same as breakfast, unless we eat outside Ricky joins us in his bounce chair as well outside under the umbrella. 

Stella naps around 1:30, so this time I have been sneaking in as many newborn cuddles as I possibly can. I know from having Stella, this newborn phase goes by way too quickly to let pass by without extra snuggles. Ricky absolutely loves sleeping on the chest. I would say the chest and sollybaby wrap are his two favorite places to sleep at the moment. 

When Rick gets homes we all make dinner. If we are grilling we all hang outside at the table while Rick grills. I usually end up feeding Ricky so he has a full belly and I can enjoy my grub while Rick cooks.  Ricky usually falls asleep after his tummy is full. So we eat dinner while he snoozes in his bounce chair at the table. :) 

After dinner- Rick hangs out with the kiddies and I clean up the dinner mess. And more playtime with both follows. 

I feed Ricky his last feeding around 11ish before putting him in his rock and play for the night. I have started to feed on demand at night letting him get longer stretches since he eats so much during the day. He slept a four hour stretch last night. The only down fall for me is I still have to get up and pump. So currently he is waking up twice a night to feed after his 11ish feeding. So his sleeping is great at the moment :)

That is what out day looks like in a nutshell. 

Rick and I couldn't feel more blessed at the moment for these two. Stella has really done amazing with having a baby brother and Ricky is such a great baby.

our fab four... <3

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