Wednesday, August 26, 2015

A Few Things I Have Learned from Having Two at Home...

Having two at home I have learned a few things...

1. I remember when we first found out that we were expecting thinking to myself how can I ever love another baby as much as I love Stella.  I thought my capacity to love was maxed out with my little girl. Boy was I wrong. I love this little guy more than I ever thought was possible. I can love him just as much, I do love him just as much. The amount of love I am able to love grew...the heart just grows.  This sweet little boy now holds a very special place in my heart. My love these days feels limitless- like some sort of superpower. 

2. Somethings become more challenging of course, but somethings become a bit easier. Like diaper changes- what went from a Mommy and toddlers chasing game around the house just to change a toddler's diaper now volunteers to change her diaper when little brother is getting his diaper changed. Same goes for the jammies and getting dressed for the day some days. so yes, I have been using this to my benefit quite often ;)

3. Newborn snuggles and cuddles are just as good the second time around. I really can never get enough of the newborn smell  (I wish I could bottle it all up), or the feeling I get when a tiny little babe is asleep on my chest, or the sound of their tiny breathes when they are asleep. I just love it so much. is just as good the second time.

4. Spending that quality one on one time with Stella is much easier at the moment than I thought it was going to be. I was truly worried about this. I know it will become harder as Ricky gets older; but at the moment Stella and I still find ourselves in the playroom- just her and I. We are either baking a cake in her kitchen and singing 'happy birthday to you' over and over again, playing with some sort of stationary, or dressing and undressing her baby for the millionth time. 

5. Taking a shower is more than a luxury now. the words say it all- no explanation needed.

 6. I am doing okay. There are raw moments as a parent where insecurities creep in. But the way my first responded to the baby with gentleness, excitement and love I felt I could explode with pride for her! Sure there were times I was like "where the hell did she learn this?" I am sure it's part nature, but damn straight it's my husband and me too. We are raising these children and I am so proud at what I am seeing. Moments like this make me feel like I am doing okay. Moments with those big sister sloppy kisses and hugs that make me sigh with relief make me feel like I am doing okay. 

7. I just plain love life more. Everything comes together and becomes better all because of these two tiny littles and all the love that I have for them. 

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