Saturday, August 22, 2015

Two Under Two is Like...

Early a.m wake up calls, crib sheets need changed because of a leaked diaper, two cups of coffee, one cup of milk that leaked all over the carpet, spilled cheerios across the floor, and endless nursing.

Baby in your arms, and a toddler screaming from the other room "I gotta Poop!"

Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, a quick game of let's take every single toy out of every single bin and throw it on the floor, more nursing while toddler is giving Minnie a pretend bath in the infant tub which flips over and results in dripping blood and a first busted lip. Stop nursing, baby is wailing for more milk, run to bleeding toddler and try to fix the wound. Try to reason with myself: blood on the white duvet- damn. Should you wash it or wait for a few more baby poop or spit up stains to throw it in the wash machine? Decide to wash it anyway.

A crying hungry baby in the swing, trying to get one more load in the wash that you probably won't dry until tomorrow, and a toddler pushing the swing like Hercules trying to hush baby.

Squished Oreo cream is a toddler's way of enjoying Oreo Thins, poop diapers all around, while trying to pick squashed random raisins off the wood floor that god knows how long they have been there. 

Toddler using a breastmilk soaked burp cloth as a blankie for her Minnie and loves to wake baby up from a nap whenever you aren't looking.

Baths and clean jammies for all, and a toddler requesting "Miiilk in a bottle" before she is satisfied enough to go to bed.

Two cold beers, and about 500 deep breathes. Four little arms to wrap around your neck in hugs and kisses times two.

Welcome aboard the crazy train...and love that reaches from the moon and back.

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