Friday, August 14, 2015

Mommy Thoughts...and a Little bit about my Dark Haired Munchkin

Yes, I am still alive and still have a blog... :) But I have been choosing cuddles over computer....Always!  If I am not feeding/burping, changing diapers, or playing I am trying to stay afloat with upkeep around the house. And when Ricky is napping I try to spend as much one on one time with my little lady as I can.


To be completley honest, when Rick and I first found out that we were having a boy I was kind of nervous I guess you can say. All I have known is girlie stuff. Pretty dresses, piggy polish, hair bows, cute shoes, tutus... I felt like I was lacking in the designing of a boy's nursery or caring for a boy for that matter. Don't get me wrong, I already deeply loved what was growing inside my belly. I guess I just kind of expected to hear girl since we already had one, and then found out Mabel was a girl...I kind of thought Rick was going to be doomed blessed with all girls...haha

But let me start by saying this dark haired little munchkin has stolen my heart- over and over again. I look at him and sometimes still need to pinch myself to make sure it's real...I have a son; a beautiful, healthy son. The moment I laid my eyes on him, my heart grew tremendously. I was in love.... those first healthy cries brought tears of joy to my eyes. He is perfect in every way. I already couldn't imagine Rick, Stella and I's lives without him in it.

Ricky is a pretty easy going baby. He is the sweetest, cuddliest little boy there ever was; and a good sleeper these days (Hallelujah!) He does have a set of pipes on him though- don't get me wrong. He is not a fan of diaper changes! He is becoming more alert and doesn't mind little spurts of tummy time. He has already lifted his head up during tummy time a few times. He is making Momma proud! And my gosh- he is quite the eater! He has been eating like a champ from day one.

The transition from one to two around here has been much smoother than I imagined. Stella is completely smitten with him- as we all are. She rarely leaves his side and almost everything she says has to do with Ricky. We do diaper changes side by side, we get dressed for the day side by side, she burps him, she gives him infinity kisses throughout the day, she is always telling him that he is a good boy, the list really goes on and on. Rick and I make sure to include her in everything we can with him. Not to mention a little bribery here and there- "Ricky is watching you eat, show him how you take a big girl bite!" Works everytime!

I have been making sure to sit back and take small moments in...watching my two babies interact and watching Stella be so in love with her brother makes my heart skip a beat. I feel so so blessed these days...I love these two so very much. I have a beautiful twenty two month old daughter and a simply perfect newborn son...they both make me want to be the best Mommy that I can be.

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