Thursday, August 4, 2016

Ricky Turns One.

Our sweet little Ricky. One year ago yesterday you came into our lives when we needed you the most. We couldn't have asked for a more perfect little boy. I can't believe that your first year of life has gone by this quickly. It has been the fastest yet best year of our lives so far! You seriously rock our worlds on the daily. You are funny, determined, sweet, and the biggest Momma's boy!! and i love it :) You love to clean toys up by putting them into bins and buckets, live for crawling laps around the house and pulling yourself up on anything and everything and your love for the dog bowls run deep. But, our love for you Ricky runs much deeper. We are so thankful for you each and everyday. Your smiles seriously light up a room- and those soft dimples- a serious obsession of mine. You are slowly growing into your baby rolls...oh please make them stay! and we just can't get enough of your wet open mouth kisses. You are learning things so fast now and want so bad to keep up with Stella. I am so excited to see you become a big brother to the little babe growing in my tummy. We love you so so much. Ricky, you will always and forever be my little miracle baby. 


and for the demolished that cupcake- the whole damn thing. You ate it like a pro- one handed and all! 

(a full 12 month update coming next week following his 12 month doctor appointment)

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