Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Our Weekend Getaway

The kids loved the beach! Our quick weekend getaway consisted of a few firsts for our little ones. First time bare foot walking in the sand, first time seeing and feeling the ocean, first time collecting seashells, first time walking the boardwalk, first time not only sleeping away from home but sleeping at the beach house, first time making legit sand castles, first time chasing seagulls, and first and hopefully last time licking the sand shovel like an ice cream cone. 

I am going to just throw this out there: I probably couldn't do an entire week at the beach with two little ones. Unless it was all the beer and wine included. I mean first off, you might as well just rent a Uhaul for all the shit you need just to walk down to the beach and set up for the day a few hours. And apparently in some sort of crazy way a sand shovel must resemble an ice cream cone because Ricky just couldn't get enough. I mean tongue out ice cream cone lick after lick. Not sure how many times I wiped sand off of his little face. The kid will be chewing and crapping out sand for weeks! And even when you are packing up to head home, it feels like you are bringing an entire beach full of sand home with you. But, even when you are home and settled there is that part of you that misses the sound of the ocean waves crashing, that evening sunset and that relaxing feeling of just sitting on the patio watching the million ice cream trucks drive by. By relaxing I mean short sits at a time- like a minute tops- between chasing after two little ones. :)

I was so excited that the kiddies finally got to experience the Wildwood vacay that I used to experience every single year when I was young. I have so many great memories of our family heading down to the shore for the week at the end of each Summer. 

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