Thursday, August 25, 2016


Motherhood. Some days I feel like they will break me, make me feel like the biggest failure and I need a re-do, STAT! Other days are a dream. A slice of Heaven on Earth. This was one of those days. This was one of those moments. A moment I once dreamed about. Laughing, pure joy with my babies right at my feet. My little family full of pure love and happiness. My house filled with that sweet laughter not only coming from the littles, but Rick and I also. These are the kinds of moments I never ever want to forget. This little clip was from last night after we finished eating dinner and I began to clean up the mess. Dinner clean up is so much better with loud music playing in the background. It doesn't take long for these two to get their groove on once the beats start bumpin'. Ricky was trying so hard to dance hands free, smiling so proud of himself as Rick and I couldn't hold back our laughter. Stella was shaking her butt, checking herself out in the oven door window. Rick and I dropped everything and savored this sweet moment. We watched and laughed. These are the moments that I live for. These are the kinds of moments that I have dreamed about. This is our reality. This is our slice of Heaven on Earth.

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