Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Ricky at 13 Months

I am just so smitten with this little one. He melts my mommy heart over and over again. He is 13 months old and looks more and more like Rick the bigger he gets. His baby blues and smile will light up any room. He is walking everywhere, climbing on everything, and has no fear! He has definitely gotten his fair share of bumps, bruises and busted lips thus far. His appetite has changed and mealtimes with him can be a struggle. He loves to take the food out of his mouth and throw it straight onto the floor. of course if it has ketchup on it, he makes sure to suck all the ketchup off of it before tossing it. ;) He is still a fruit lover through and through. Red grapes, kiwi and strawberries seem to be his jam lately! And his love for milk runs deep and fruit smoothies! He dislikes anything with a mushy consistency...such as egg salad, mashed potatoes, oatmeal etc. He hates having shoes on his feet and prefers to be barefoot, hates getting dressed, and having his nails clipped. He loves playing in water and jammin' out to loud beats in the kitchen and in the truck! He is currently trying so hard to learn the using a spoon to eat skill. If you ask him he will say Momma, Dada, Hot especially when he spots my coffee mug in the mornings, Ahh-Choo! when anyone sneezes, tries so hard to say Stella- you can hear the by the rhythm that he is saying her name, No-No as well as night night-nigh nigh. He gives high fives, claps, sings some of the words to Row Row Your Boat, shakes his head No, and gives the best open mouth kisses :) He makes us laugh like no one else and we love him so so much. 

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