Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Pure Sweetness with a Side of Hilarious

"Mommy, you are so cute I could just eat you up..." says a little three year old I know.

Seriously, she kills me. The things that come out of her mouth...more than half of them literally stop me in my tracks. Like I said before this pregnancy has been so much fun because she truly understands that there is an actual baby boy growing in my belly. She talks about him all the time in pure excitement. She tells me how much she is going to love him, take care of him, feed him, change him, and rock him to sleep. It is the sweetest thing ever. She loves to touch my belly and feel him move around and every now and then asks me if she can sing to him. And it's not Shake it Off or Bang Bang thank goodness- the song choice is usually You are My Sunshine! 

I am headed somewhere funny with this post even with all of this sweetness. 

Just the other day Stella and I's conversation went something a little like this:

Stella: Mommy, look!! as she lifts up her shirt to show me her belly I have a baby in my belly too!
Me: You do?? 
Stella: Yes! And it's a girl. Feel- she is really kicking.
Me: As I touch her belly Oh my!! 
Stella: She is going to come out in a couple months! I am going to be the best Mommy in the world.

She is growing up so fast and time is definitely not slowing down. I watch her and at times see a total mini me. The way she plays at my make up vanity and pretends to put on make up, to some and I mean some!! of the outfits that she picks out, to the way she takes care of her baby doll; I see so many of the things that I do with Ricky. 

Three years old is oh so sweet. And effing hilarious.

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Remember Me?

So I am not quite sure what made me finally open my computer to write tonight...both babies are sleeping, I am exhausted but here I am. Maybe it was because Stella and I were scanning through pictures on my cell phone before she went to bed and there are sooo many that I haven't shared and it made me realize all that has happened around our parts recently that I haven't documented. So here goes a serious update...

My first baby- the one who made me a Mommy turned three! I cannot believe I have been a Mommy for three whole years- three amazing years! She is by far the dreamiest first born that two parents could ever wish for. She makes our world go round and brings the most pure joy to our hearts. She can push buttons and limits like no other. She has the biggest heart and will not go to bed without kissing Rick, Ricky or I. She is smart, beautiful, curious, and full of energy.
A little Q & A with Stella at age 3: 
I could ask her these same questions tomorrow and get some completely different answers, but it was fun :)
When is your birthday and how old are you? September and 24. I am 'dree'.
What is your favorite toy? Balls and my babies. (not really sure where the balls came in?!)
What is your favorite food? Eggies, and sausage. (this answer definitely doesn't reflect her food choices or the dinners she asks for on the daily)
What do you love the most? to go shopping. 
What is your favorite color? Lellow!
What do you love to do? Play!

This three year old started dance class-ballet and she absolutely loves it! When I signed her up I was unsure how it was going to go. I kind of had this vision of her not wanting to leave me waiting in the lobby as she went off with her little dance class. But damn was I wrong. She lined up and walked down the hall with her little dance class and teacher like she had done it a thousand times. I would be lying if I said that I didn't tear up. I can just blame it on my preggo hormones- but it's just watching this little girl grow up so fast right before my eyes that makes my heart complete mush. After her first class was over, I saw her walk back down to the lobby with a smile on her face and the whole ride home was her telling me how much she loved it and wanted to go back. And it's been the same every Saturday since then. After every class, she tells me that she can't wait for next Saturday, her next class. She comes home, asks for some jams in the kitchen and shows us what she did in dance.

Rick and I decided to forgo the big birthday bash for Stella. A small light lunch and birthday cake is so much more her speed. However, we wanted to make her birthday special. Rick and I took the kids to Toys R Us a few weeks back and Stella fell in love with the Cadillac Escalade Power Wheels. Every since then when she was asked what she wanted for her birthday, she would say "a car." Rick and I were in the garage the night before her birthday until 10:30 p.m putting it together- but we were so excited to see her reaction that next day! 

We parked the power wheels in Rick's spot in the garage. We had her stand outside the garage door with the opener and open the door. When she saw what was parked in there- she was speechless. Literally- I think she was shocked and overwhelmed at first. These power wheels have come a long way from when Rick and I had ours. They come with radio and speakers so you can jam out while you drive!!


My pregnancy this far has been great. We are 29 weeks! It is flying by and we cannot believe that in 10 weeks, we will be adding another bundle to our tribe :) He is an active baby and gives some swift kicks. No cravings, still trying my best to do my daily mile on the treadmill even though finding the time these past couple weeks has not been easy. Chasing after my two little ones throughout the day definitely tires this preggo out- and I try and count that as sufficient exercise ;) I am carrying higher this time around and have yet to break out my maternity pants even though some buttons are getting a bit snug. I am up 16 lbs. Stella is at an age where it makes my pregnancy so much more fun. She talks about the 'little guy' (that is what she calls him) all the time and tells me what she is going to teach him. She loves to touch my belly and feel him kick or feel his hiccups which he has all the time. She reminds me all time about what we need to get for him before he is born. i guess she can tell that I am slacking big time because this Momma has nothing for this baby except for a few new sleepers to bring him home in :) I need to get my ass in gear. 
"We can't wait to meet you little guy!"

These two are like magic. I have days where my hormones are damn straight crazy and I can cry over something so stupid and I know that it's silly as I cry. But in a tiny way, they make everything new again and just like that everything is okay. These two make Monday mornings easy. I look at them and just can't help but be so proud to call these little monkeys my own. 

This little guy is off and walking everywhere! Being carried places is old news. however- he still loves to be held and cuddled by his Momma- still a Momma's boy :) The park is a whole new ball game for this little guy. He is off and chasing down his sister. He loves to explore, climb and touch everything that he can get his little hands on! 

I am going to wrap it up here for the night. We shall call this Part One and "To Be Continued"